This read sucked me in super quick. I originally picked it up because I got a lucky day copy from the library and could skip the holds line. But then I didn't start reading it until it was almost due and it returned itself as I was mid page near the end (BOO). I finally managed to finish it this month, and it didn't suffer waiting for me to get back to it. The world building is great and I would easily recommend this to fans of Bitch Planet or the Hunger Games or maybe even Squid Games because of the ways "punishment" is commercialized. Really readable with fascinating characters and cinematic fight scenes. Also guttingly sad at spots, so you know, not the lightest read.
This book and its sequel center friendship and family so well-they make for pretty emotional reads. This one veers a touch toward after-school-special territory, but not in a bad way. I think for some teens the conversation around gender and sexuality will be really basic, but for the right reader it could be a gentle introduction to new concepts. A quick but lovely read.
I picked this up off the shelf because of the "bakes" in the title, and I'm so glad I did. It's colorful and sweet, with lovely textured illustrations that incorporate a lot of motion. I loved the sweetness of the story, and there's an illustration of dad and kiddo playing cards that is SO great! A really lovely read with a nice list or resources in the afterward. Highly recommend!
There's so much history in this book, and it left me searching out a ton of music to listen to afterwards. I particularly loved the way they cast the audio with plenty of readers who did a great job incorporating voice inflections and laughter and really making it sound like you're listening to the interviews. Highly recommend if you're even a tiny bit interested in musical history. Would probably be a good companion to the hip-hop focused Can't Stop, Won't Stop.
Very conversational, this had some great advice and was a relatively light read. I particularly liked the bit about stuff to ask at medical appointments and stretches to start and end your day whatever your fitness level.
I love this series so much. It's been a while since I read Network Effect though, so I needed to pause and reread it to refresh my memory on characters and what Murderbot was up to. Anyway, this was such an enjoyable read. I really love the world and the characters and this series is such a comfort read for me. I think I'm going to work my way through all of them again just because.
This is as much a bio of Penny Marshall as it is story of the movie, and it's really interesting. I loved the details about both the film and the personalities involved. Obviously, these types of books really work for me. That said, I think this could work for both baseball and Hollywood fans.
This was such an interesting book! I think it did a great job of blending human and animal stories, with a really lovely storytelling style. I learned a ton, and would absolutely pick this up as a gift for some of my family. I listened to the audiobook which had a wonderful reader, and there were even a few times where I found myself sitting in my car after I'd arrived somewhere because the story got intense enough that I had to know what happened next. Really good pair for John Vaillant's The Tiger.