Very well researched account with plenty of sources. While at times immensly unflattering of the UK, France, and the US it appears to push past any bias on the part of the author.
A very easy read for me, but not so much emotionally. I felt Effy was a very relatable protagonist, despite being exceptionally more intelligent. I felt very sympathetic to her, Preston, and others who I won't name for fear of spoilers. I will defiinitely be reading more by this author.
Heartwrenching Truely tragic. While I adore the work the author undertook to make it seem like a contemporary account through the women's eyes, I truely struggled to read some portions of the book due to the content. Despite this I would absolutely read this again. I was very much moved to tears by the end of the book.
A fairly good read. I wasn't all that fond of the main characters, but I did enjoy the dynamics of the team and the relationships around them. There was definitely something to be desired when it came to the plot, but I am at a loss as to what exactly that is. I likely will not read the others in this collection.
A very enjoyable book. The magic system is very interesting and the plot is very well developed. I couldn't—in hindsight it's more likely I didn't want to—predict who the main villain really was. Many of my questions about the world and plot were eventually answered. However, I felt that the relationships between some of the characters felt forced and their emotions more mechanical in a few instances.
I enjoyed how the author combined contemporary and fantasy. The plotline was interesting, if a bit dark at parts. However, I felt that it was a bit too predictable. I am still unsure as to whether I will read the next book in the series.
I don't feel that the FMC was relatable or likeable. I also felt that with her personality, that she gave in altogether too easily. I could very much see the idea behind the story, but I felt as if it wasn't quite enacted as well as it could have been. (perhaps I am being too harsh)
A well written overview of various parts of history. Accessible and funny. However, it is very western-centric, I would have liked to see more about the rest of the world. Outside of the realm of colonialism.