bookish_kayy's reviews
1424 reviews

The Brave Line by Kate Stewart

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Kate Stewart never fails to pen a hero that makes me fall in love. This time though, I didn’t just fall in love with Rowdy. I fell in love with Michelle too. Her strength. Her passion. Her joy in life was just perfect. She really was Peter Pan.
The emotions captured regarding Rowdy’s line of work hit home hard. Those of us without someone on the front lines caught a mere glimpse of their lives, and definitely gave me a new appreciation for it all.
The Devil's Advocate by Ashley Jade

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I wish I had the words for what just happened to me. Seriously. Damien, Cain and Eden did something to me. These men are not like others. And Eden, who started out in the shape she did, and transformed into something none of us expected.
Growth. It was evident in certain characters, and amazing to watch.
The wait for this one nearly killed me. But it was sooooo worth it.
Times Like These by Julia Wolf

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10 stars

Nicky! So much rough on top of so much sweet.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t think I could forgive his initial blunder. Like a super hard thing to get past. And then he started showing who he was. And then he showed more. And now, I think I might be in love. (Please don’t tell my husband, he’d be mighty jelly.)
But seriously. The push and pull between Nick & Dalia, the relationships she formed, not just with him, but literally everyone. It was beautiful to think someone out there was just so comfortable with themselves that the rest of the world couldn’t help but to be that way with her too.
She wasn’t weak. Literally my favorite part of the whole book, was how she’d already experienced something that made her feel that way, and so she just was adamant in doing better.
I typically don’t read rockstar romance, but I had a feeling from the blurb, and I’m so glad I did.
Vicious by L.J. Shen

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Vicious is right

What a beautiful, cruel, broken man. And the girl who loved him, eventually accepting his flaws, without giving herself completely over in the process.
Every book. I swear each guy is my favorite, but I’ve come to accept that I can’t pick just one. The HotHoles have burrowed into me, and now there’s no turning back.
Literally no one writes an angsty, twisted man the way Shen does.
Lady in Waiting by Shandi Boyes

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I have been waiting so impatiently for Regan’s story, hooked by teasers from the author, and this absolutely did not fail to deliver.
I have not read a bad Shandi Boyes book, and I don’t foresee that changing.
The banter between the two main was perfection, the push and pull, I was absolutely riveted.
The worst part about this book?
Knowing that it ended on a cliffy and I now have to wait for my next fix!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Sparrow by L.J. Shen

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A million stars

Seriously, my favorite LJ Shen to date. Sparrow is my absolute favorite heroine of the authors. She didn’t back down. When Troy pushed, she pulled. She was creative. Not easily fooled. Just such a good character. We could all use a Sparrow in our lives, I think.
And Troy. Even when he was bad, he was still so good.
Such a twisted little tale, and I absolutely enjoyed the journey it took me on.
The Five by Lily White

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Epically twisted

An amazingly dark, twisted upheaval of a story. I definitely was unprepared for, well, all of it. Rainey. The Connors. Even Justin. I simply was not prepared.
I had to read this in pieces. Rainey’s story definitely shouldn’t be taken lightly, and I wanted to make sure that I got the full impact. I did.
I like dark reads, the darker the better. This exceeded anything that I thought I was going into.
I will definitely be following this authors work.
Words have power, and these were weighty.
The Hate Vow by Nicole French

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I am not okay! What just happened?!
Eric just took my heart, and ran off with it, and now I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
I imagine Jane feels a lot like this, quite honestly.
So many secrets and lies and half truths between the whole bunch.
And now I’ll just be a mess until June I suppose.
Downfall by Jay Crownover

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So many stars

I just swooned so hard over Solo, it’s unreal. What an amazing guy! Just the right amount of tough hiding the sweetness.
And Noble was such a sweetheart!
Orley and Solo’s story was amazing, and touched places in my dark little heart that I thought were frozen over.
Definitely a recommended read from me.