bookmeanderings's reviews
339 reviews

A Year and a Day in Old Theradane by Scott Lynch, Elizabeth Bear, Katherine Addison

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That was fun. Very whimsical and almost silly at times. Glad. I read it.
The Thief Who Went To War by Michael McClung

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Another really fun and solid entry in the Amra Thetys series!

Review to come for Self Published Fantasy month in September!
Holy Sister by Mark Lawrence

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"Some lessons must be written in scars."

A perfect quote for this whole book and series. This book had everything. Excellent character development, intense and quick moving plot, and heart stopping action.

I feel as if I'd been waiting for the adult Sisters to show their true BA selves this whole trilogy and we finally got to see that a lot more. It was glorious.

All of the characters were written in a way that made them feel real, very well developed, and relatable. Nona's belief in friendship despite the betrayals and the hurt she has gone through was so inspiring and made me want to be a better, more merciful and gracious person.

Mark Lawrence has a way of making characters feel unsafe and I loved that about this book. I never felt that anybody was safe to make it to the end and that took the stakes up even higher. I also loved seeing the machinations of Abbess Glass coming around full circle.

Overall this was a great finish to the series and I hope that another trilogy or series will be in store for the Sisters of Sweet Mercy down the road. Well done Mark Lawrence, well done.
The Warded Man: Book One of the Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett

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Man I loved this book. The concept of the demons in this was completely unique. Arlen, Leesha, Ragen, and the other characters were so interesting and compelling. The plot was intriguing and intense and the demon hierarchy was so stinking cool. It's too bad I was so disappointed with the rest of the series that I DNF'd book 3. This series had so much potential and I feel that if maybe it was condensed to a trilogy it could have been great. Just too much filler flashbacks and pace issues for me to continue on. One of my biggest series disappointments after an amazing first book.
Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story by Debbie Tung

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This was an incredible comic. If you are an introvert and don't feel understood, read this. You are normal just the way you are. You are awesome!
The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson

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I don't usually expect much from novellas. Typically going into one, I expect a fun story that I will enjoy but not really get attached to, remember much, or want more of that particular world. This was not the case with Emperor's Soul.

This book was excellent. The story, though slightly slow to get going as compared to its length, really picked up at about the 50 page mark. This is not to say that it wasn't interesting before that. It just took me until around that time until I was fully invested.

The magic systems were both fascinating and the possibilities for the uses of the magic were incredible and I want to know more.

Shai was very compelling as the main character and I really enjoyed seeing through her eyes for most of the story and getting to know her. Her humor was also a nice offset to the oftentimes very serious tone of the story.

I haven't read many novellas in my life. In fact, I just started reading them this year. However, I can tell you that this is the best one yet. I would love to dig more into this world, its magic system, and its people. I would love to see a sequel(maybe even just another novella) come from this amazing world.
Attack on Titan, Vol. 1 by Hajime Isayama

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3.5 stars rounded up..

This was tough to rate because I had a hard time separating it from the anime that I've already watched through. I think the ODM gear action translates much better to screen than page and I missed the character development of their military training (I expect that to be in more flashbacks in the next few volumes), but other than that this was really good.
And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer by Fredrik Backman

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Absolutely beautiful and raw. So simple, yet so profound. A story about grief. A story about loss. But also a story about love, life, and the moments and people that make life worth living. Not gonna lie, it made me cry at the end and that does not happen for me with books. Bravo Fredrik Backman. Bravo.

Also, 100% recommended for anyone going through this situation in life. In these pages and these characters you will find a sympathetic and understanding heart.