Honestly, I'm just constantly getting pissed from Rhett talking shit about Winter behind her back to her CHILD'S FATHER!!! Add in the random weirdo at the gym who acted like she was crazy for NOT wanting to be hit on at the gym, especially after telling the guy that she WASN'T ok! And then it lets him leave thinking "oh, it's just cause she likes someone else". Like no! I have a feeling this is just gonna keep making my blood boil in these little ways and I can't.
Feel like further explaining the issue with Rhett, cause it still pisses me off, so spoilers, I guess. Apparently Winter was manipulated by her mom at a young age to hate her half sister (there's a whole lot to unpack with just THAT subplot), but apparently she had said some mean things about her. Now, Rhett acting like this and talking to Theo about her would make sense if she had only just appeared back in her sister's life. But she hasn't. They've been mending their relationship for roughly 18 MONTHS!!! Summer was in the delivery room when Winter gave birth and has become a huge emotional support to her. Why the FUCK would he take the FATHER OF HER CHILD aside and basically say "It's ok to talk shit about her cause she's 'difficult'" And that is the word he uses. DIFFICULT!!! Summer tries to say that he was just being protective later, but that shit is nothing but sexist bullshit!!!
The other thing is that I just wanted Winter to get the therapy she clearly needed after the bullshit she'd been through, but I doubt that was ever actually going to happen. Feels more like a "he can fix her cause he's the right guy" kind of BS.
Settling on a solid 3 stars. I really enjoyed the story overall, but there is a logic hole that still bothers me a bit, and thus the lower rating. In the book, vampires have purple blood, werewolves have green blood, and humans have red blood. It's revealed that the MMC's sister is half human and has red blood. Yet somehow no one has noticed. Not even the little girl herself. Has she never scraped her knee? Blushed? How is it that NO ONE noticed this?!!!