bunnyhero's reviews
117 reviews

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

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this one was hard for me to rate. for the most part I enjoyed it, and all of the retro references were fun, but as a whole it fell a bit flat for me. way too much exposition for my taste, I think...
Dungeon: Twilight - Vol. 1: Dragon Cemetery by Joann Sfar, Lewis Trondheim

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I've never heard of these. I picked it up from the library. what a wonderfully odd fantasy. love the scrappy rabbit warrior and the little bat!
Dungeon: The Early Years - Vol. 1: The Night Shirt by Christophe Blain, Joann Sfar, Lewis Trondheim

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why did I not know of these books before? there's just something about the deadpan humour and low-key epicness that really appeals to me. it may not be for everyone but I love these to bits.