cameronreads's reviews
519 reviews

A Restless Truth by Freya Marske

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I didn’t quite like this as much as the first book but I still had a good time with it. I liked Maud and Violet and their relationship, and had a fun time with the mystery. I still love the magic system and I like what was added here. I will say that this did not felt like it took place over a week, and it didn’t feel like there was as much to the plot as in the first book.  
The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab

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This book was SO much fun to read, mostly because of how enjoyable it was being back in this world with these characters, whilst also getting to explore a little more. I didn’t realised how much I missed it all until I picked it back up again. I also really enjoying VE Schwab’s writing personally, and thought it just as good in this. She’s so good at juggling so many story lines and pulling them together. I do admit there was rather a lot going on in here, between the POV changes and flashbacks it felt like we didn’t stay with one plot line for more than a few pages. I thought that fun for the most part, though I can see how it would frustrate people. It also definitely could have been shorter; a lot of time was spent lingering on every detail (at least, until the end) which I somewhat enjoyed because I love the characters so much but I did acknowledge parts dragging a little. The main action of this book definitely felt like set up for the next one as well, although it has left me very intrigued for the rest of the series(?). Overall I really enjoyed this, but I don’t think I’d recommend it unless you loved the Shades of Magic series like I did. 
Modern Divination by Isabel Agajanian

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This was 100% a character driven novel, which normally works really well for me. Indeed I enjoyed reading about the two main characters, and especially liked exploring the relationship between them which I thought was well paced and satisfied everything I’d want from an academic rivals to lovers. I also really liked the writing style; there were a lot of lines I read over a couple of times to fully appreciate. However it really did feel like everything else was put on a back burner for the sake of the romance; the characters needed to be in one setting so something happened seemingly at random to get them there. The main villain felt underdeveloped and I didn’t understand her motivations or even really why she was necessary. The plot felt oddly paced too, because the main plot wasn’t really the point of the story it felt like the author tried to get it over and done with to focus on the romance. Again, I really liked the romance, so did enjoy this book overall (even if it felt like they were slightly trying to make things difficult for themselves by the end). I’d definitely recommend this for someone looking for a good academic rivals to lovers, but maybe not if you’re also looking for a great plot.  
PS after reading other reviews I get why I liked the romance so much — they’re Howl and Sophie coded, of course I was obsessed.  
The Iliad by Homer

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Did not finish book.
Couldn’t finish before it was due back in the library </3 one day 🫡