Recently something rang a bell in my memory—a story about a zombie man who had to walk around with a young girl for some reason. It was a webcomic that I read in college, ten years ago. After some googling, I found the webcomic—UNSOUNDED—and the three printed volumes, and realized the comic was still ongoing. I bought the first comic for nostalgia’s sake—and lo and behold it’s still incredibly good. The art is wonderful and the worldbuilding is packed full of things that returned to my memory. You can read the webcomic online for free on the author’s website. I will probably see if I can catch up and see what my old friends Sette and Duane have been up to.
Tw: there are some dark and bloody elements to the story.
This contemporary gothic was a backlist book I believe the author republished—I realized when the date was 2015 but someone used an electric typed writer
Bought myself one of Patricia McKillip’s earliest works, a middle grade ghost story to see what it was like! It was interesting to see her signature charm come through but in a “modern” setting with young kids. There is still the deep mystery there, but overlaid atop prickly kids who have to deal with each other and the adults in their lives. I actually Ike’s how this book treated the problem of adults in a kid’s story. It was neat to see the parental disbelief reckoned with in the face of supporting their child/the other kids. All in all this was neat to read! (I think the title could’ve been better, though, it does not really convey the plot.)