coffeedragon's reviews
2050 reviews

Too Close to Fall in Love by Akira Nakata

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oOoOO! Interesting! I feel like I've read a few stories where the parents get together and (eventually) the sons get together but this is the first time I've read one where the sons are grown-ups (like they look old, LOL). It made for some interesting dynamics, especially when they're kind of similar to their dads. Also, Shizuka is soooo cute! All his expressions were πŸ’―πŸ’― and there were quite a few sexy scenes. Surprisingly (??) my favorite sexy moments were of the non-penetrative variety, kinky boys~ (ok it was more soft but like sexy). I think it's because the characters were older (and maybe it's their personalities too), but I really liked that they kept a clear head and generally talked things out/didn't do unnecessary things

A cute read :) 
The Black Cat & the Vampire, Vol. 2 by Nikke Taino

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Feeling conflicted about the conflict at the start(ish) of the book. I just felt like there was no point to what the teacher did, just caused the kid pain for no reason?? But everything else was so good! I didn't expect things to resolve as they did but I was really happy with it and the time skip was πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―. Honestly, I need a next volume with them in timeskip! I am curious about the star scales though...I just feel like there's something nagging in my brain about it but I'm not entirely sure what bothers me, LOL. But the blushing? Excellent! 
The Black Cat & the Vampire, Vol. 1 by Nikke Taino

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I wasn't paying attention and didn't realize this wasn't a oneshot, which explained why *nothing happened* even after I finished it and that was somehow refreshing. I really liked all the buildup, the pacing, and even the vampire lore! I feel like usually vampires only cause sexual desire and it's often wanted, but this took it somewhere I wasn't expecting. It was actually heartbreaking! I wonder what everyone is going to do in regards to the culprit. You'd think that maybe they'd have a system in place to keep track of who can do what (though I'd also understand that being "too much"). Still, I do wonder about the "star scales". I guess using the logic of them would mean vampires can't be celebrities, Lol! Or I mean, they *could* be, it'd just be hard, Hmmmm. Very curious about what comes next

Tw: rape of someone (age unknown) who was not really conscious
UNDEAD: Finding Love in the Zombie Apocalypse, Volume 2 by Fumi Tsuyuhisa

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It was almost perfect, but we can't have everything, right? Lol. In this volume, we have a 3-year timeskip and honestly, I liked where it went. We meet another group of survivors, which results in conflict (as this type of story usually does). I had this theory about the antigens that would only work in BL *but it wasn't that*! LOL. Although maybe that's a good thing, it would have ruined the more serious and dark tone of this volume. There was one scene in particular that I wish hadn't happened (and I'm still confused as to *why* it did) but aside from that, it all wrapped up pretty nicely

Def a 3.5 read overall 
UNDEAD: Finding Love in the Zombie Apocalypse, Volume 1 by Fumi Tsuyuhisa

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Conflicted!! The story wasn't really hitting any special points in my heart. It was pretty average and typical of the BL zombie genre (not that I've read many but still, lol!) where there's a couple, they have a dubcon moment (this specific one did bother me but it's also typical of BL sooo), and then something bad happens. Still, I feel like the more that I read, the more I became interested in their backgrounds. Much tamer than I thought I'd be too, which gives it a bit of a mature edge. The volume does end on a bit of a cliffhanger and I'm curious what will happen next!

It's got 3.5 potential 
The Rule of Standing on Tiptoe by Puku Okuyama

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I knew I was going to love this one because *Puku Okuyama*!!! And it didn't disappoint! I was actually surprised by how refreshing it was to read one of PO's stories again (it's been YEARS, I need to change that!). 

I haven't found anything like her stuff, especially in recent titles. Like her other stories, this one is full of fun, quirky characters, loving friendships, and two boys being goofballs together! The height difference was most definitely one of my favorite parts but just how soft and natural the romance developed was so amazing too! AHHHHH!! I loved this!! It's simple but fulfilling:)
ι‹ε‘½ηš„γƒ©γƒ–γƒ‘γƒΌγ‚ΏγƒΌ by ηΎŽε±±θ–«ε­

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Hmmmm! I have conflicting feelings about this one! I thought it was really cute, following a deadpan-looking marshmallow melting over his crush (doing questionable things too) and in turn seeing Kai get flustered over a kiss, but that one scene

Tw for suicide ideation

And that was kind of my problem with it. Not so much the theme, but the fact giant marshmallow was considering it after being rejected (and then the topic was never touched on again). I guess to me that makes me think "well, what if it doesn't work out in the future? Will he actually do that if Kai breaks up with him? Will Kai be forced to not break up with him for fear of him not hurting himself?" So, instead of being super happy they clear things up, I just felt a bit apprehensive at their current status

The concept of the balloons was pretty cool though, as well as Kai's realization that he relies on them too much 
ここからはγ‚ͺフレコで by 早寝電灯

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Omgggg!! This was such a cute read!! I'm not a big fan of idol stories (idk why) but this one really got me! I love the concept of having "multiple yous" and having all of them be a true representation of yourself. I think this is the first time I've read a story that talks about this (#imseenLOL). The art is so lovely and minehito's EYES. they had me so captivated!! I did wish we could have gotten a bit more development in their relationship but honestly, for a volume, I won't complain!