I been following Mea on Tik Tok for a while since she first started posting about her novel. I was hooked immediately by the title and sneak peeks she posted. I really enjoyed the banter between Joyce and Aiden and I must jokingly say that Aiden always wins their little banter battles. The sex scenes had me clutching my name necklace. However, I would have enjoyed the book even more if it was dual point of view. There are some chapters that I would have preferred to be in Aiden’s POV or even be able to read his thoughts. For example, us finding out that he was a law student and such. I think that would have been wonderful and more emotional if it was told in Aiden’s POV. Overall I enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the second book.
I am very skeptical of non black writers writing black characters, so I was entering reading this book guided. However, Lauren Asher did pretty well with writing Iris. While reading, I saw myself in Iris as a black woman. especially considering her viewpoint on love. So, I applaud Lauren for that because some non black authors when they have black lead characters, they sometimes don’t make it known that they black with subtle things. For example, Iris getting braids for her and Declan’s honeymoon. It is a known rule (kinda) that us black woman tend to get braids when we go on vacation. So little things like that made me enjoy the book as a black reader.
The chemistry between Declan and Iris was there. I adore the sunshine/grumpy trope because of this book. I adore the fake dating also. So y'all should know I was going to eat this up. Anyway, I wanted them to do it so bad by the time the tenth chapter hit. However, Lauren Asher did a wonderful job of building that tension up so when Iris and Declan did finally do it—as a reader I felt every freaking emotion from both characters. The adorable thing of Declan and Iris sending words in different languages about how they feel, was so cute. Declan making everybody use a certain font because he researched that it's better for people who have dyslexia aka what Iris has thought hinder her progress in life. Loved their dynamic.
I also adored Iris and Cal's friendship. At first, my biggest concern was the fact that Iris didn't have any black friends. I don’t care how you were raised, every black person have at least one black friend. I feel like the author could have gave Iris another friend that was black. However as the story goes on, I did kinda altered my view on this point because it's revealed that Iris puts her personal life on hold for her job which hinders her making friends. But it would have still be nice to me as a black reader for the novel to have more than what? Four black characters in the book.
One thing that did irk me was that during the arguments and when it was time to make up, Declan didn’t beg enough for me. He didn’t grovel enough for my liking. Iris folds so quickly and I mentally wanted to tell her to please stand up my good sis. Although, I enjoyed their dynamic—it was times where I was like “Yeah, Iris his childish tantrums ain’t it” I suggest everyone to go listen to Not My Job by Flo because I really needed Iris to sing that song to Declan immediately.
Overall, It was a good read. The smut scenes were good. There weren't a lot of smut scenes though, which I didn't mind. I don't like books with a lot of smut. Simply because I like a nice smut to plot ratio. The plot was good for a stand-alone book. I don't plan on reading the other two books in the series though, but I have heard good things about both books from other reviewers who read all three books in the series.
I have been in such a reading slump and having a hard time finishing books in the midst of my busy work week. I decided to give this book a try since the summer time is coming up and I really enjoy a nice vacation romance story. This story was a fun read and I adored seeing Cash and Bailey’s relationship blossom from fake dating to actually falling in love with each other.
I rated this three stars because as I was reading, the story just became so confusing. The female MC Emily, I had so much hope for her to be this badass female lead but as the chapters going on and she grew closer to Kaz, she was slowly becoming a damsel in distress. Which I do understand due to her past trauma, she would be want to be protected and let her guide down in order for Kaz to protect her—but I feel like it wasn’t written that well to distinguish that. Especially given that the events in the book literally took place in what? Four days at moment. I was walking into this book thinking that it was going to take them a while to figure out Rumi’s murder, but when I got to a chapter and it stated about it just being a day before Kaz and Emily first met…I let out a frustrated sigh. I enjoyed the plot, but it was lowkey so predictable and some points weren’t needed at all. Tinder Killer plot, I feel like was so unnecessary. Just another quirk to add on to Emily that I feel like the author didn’t go into full detail for. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the constant italic flashbacks, I feel like the author used those scenes as a word count filler to be honest.
I wanted to rate this book higher because I did enjoy some characters *cough* Maxwell and Xavier *cough* and I did enjoy the smut scenes (which I applaud because it was a good plot to smut ratio for a mafia romance). But the story just felt like it was lacking some things and I’m still 50/50 on continuing the series.
Possibly one of my current favorite new gen mangas that are out right now. It’s such a fun read compared to the other mangas that I read. This volume particularly was amazing to me—the fights, the dialogue, the interactions between the characters, etc. It’s just such an amazing manga. On to Volume 5 now.