divitto's reviews
77 reviews

Love's Labour's Lost: Third Series by William Shakespeare

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The best of his comedies, only because of 4.3
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

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Not gonna read the rest of the series until it’s actually finished.
Rappaccini's Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Why is Nathaniel Hawthorne the way that he is?
The Jungle: The Uncensored Original Edition by Upton Sinclair

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how DARE sinclair insert POLITICS into a story about the horrors of the working class?!?!?
The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan

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Very glad Perrin got his own manic pixie dream girl in this one
The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan

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As someone that’s spent the past few months of quarantine trying to learn how to play the trumpet, I’m annoyed at Mat for being able to sound the horn so perfectly on his first try
Will and Testament by Isabella Whitney

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And to Athens, I leave the brick that I planned on stealing but decided not to because I don’t know what tf I’d do with a brick