The way the book was a combination of spookiness and thought-provoking insights is really fresh (for me) and I quite liked it. I liked the deep conversations and the subtle eerieness that gradually builds.
The ending was good and I definitely didn't see it coming, but it was honestly quite a shame. I appreciate the genius of it, the repetition and how the pronouns kept changing in the end—that was really good. I was just sort of disappointed? It's like all that earlier part was for nothing, you know? I think I'm just sick of reading horror books that keep turning out like this.
I think I would have liked it better in another time. The message about the meaning of life and all that is quite nice and I liked the overall atmosphere of the book.
I am so lost I don't even know what to rate this book. did I enjoy it? I don't think feeling disturbed and puzzled can count as having fun. not in my case anyway. but is it a good book? I mean, yes. it's definitely well written, and the way the individual stories can be read as standalones but are somehow related to one another is pretty genius. but honestly what the actual heck.
Aside from giving me severe trust issues, this book was a really good ya fantasy. The writing was so magical and atmospheric it's like you can imagine yourself in caraval. I like how Scarlett pictures feelings in colours, that was interesting.
Usually first books in a trilogy are the ones I struggle through because the beginning would be slower-paced than the rest, but this one had a really nice pacing. It definitely could be read in one day, although I didn't because my attention span is blegh. It also helped that the chapters were short.
One thing I have to complain about, though, there's this one scene that I don't know, it feels so weird. Am I the only one who feels this way because so far I've seen people rate this no less than 5 stars. But that scene—I wish I could erase that from my mind.
The characters were okay I guess, I kind of wish Scarlett had a friend for some reason. Maybe because Tella was annoying the heck out of me in the beginning. But I really liked the way the author made us see more of Tella, aside from her "wild" ways. I kind of like her more than Scarlett now. Julian was a decent love interest. The foreshadowing, the subtle things that warn the readers that he's definitely hiding something—that was incredibly executed in my opinion. And I like how his feelings are also mentioned. Like sometimes, books make it seem like these guys are heartless snobs which just takes all the charm away from them.
Very pleasantly surprised by this book. This is my first time reading magical realism and I think I'm gonna read much more of it now. And Maggie Stiefvater has such a distinct and unique way of writing that is just so beautiful and atmospheric. I loved this book so much.
It took me a while to get into it though, I gotta admit. And also this book has like, a folklore-esque vibe to it. It's strange and doesn't really make sense, but it's obviously intentionally so, and I quite enjoyed that.
I didn't think the characters would have as much development since this book focuses on a lot of characters, but actually it was very well done. It's an interesting insight into families, our issues and about healing too.
HOLY HECK THAT WAS FREAKING AMAZING. I will definitely reread this in the future I LOVED IT SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💖💖💓💘💘💓💓💕
The moment that I read
it felt like a Mr.-Darcy-hand-flex-from-the-best-version-of-Pride-&-Prejudice moment
I knew I was done for.
I mean, the references of rom-coms were already pulling me in, but pride and prejudice?? This book has me in a chokehold. I enjoyed every second of it. It's also so funny I was laughing all the way through. Well, except the times I was crying at the end. It wasn't particularly sad, but for some reason I was bawling my eyes out like the whole human race had died or something.
Main points
Fake dating
Boy next door-ish vibes
Discussions about grief
If you love rom-coms, then this is the book for you GO READ IT RIGHT NOW
Music + reading + used bookstore vibes
I loved the soundtrack thing, it kind of added to the whole experience. The characters all feel so real and relatable, like even the side characters are interesting. Mr. Fitzpervert has my heart 💓💓
A few cons, I guess were that it did get cringey at times, but all of the other scenes made up for it. And it was also a little icky that Wes' "deep voice" was brought up quite a few times.
I can't believe I didn't read this sooner. This was such a good book I don't even know where to start. I'd say the last time I felt this way about a book was while reading six of crows, and although I can't possibly compare the two of them (soc is better sorry) the raven boys is definitely up there.
This is also my first time reading Maggie Stiefvater and OH MY GOD THE WRITING💫💥💢💫💥💢💫💫🔥🔥🔥 I love how the lines range from beautiful quotes like
She recognized the strange happiness that came from loving something without knowing why you did, that strange happiness that was sometimes so big that it felt like sadness. It was the way she felt when she looked at the stars.
Gansey had a sense of incredible rightness, then, with everyone assembled by the Pig. Like Blue, not the ley line, was the missing piece that he’d been needing all these years, like the search for Glendower wasn’t truly underway until she was part of it. She was right like Ronan had been right, like Adam had been right, like Noah had been right.
And whatever this is
“Yes,” she said. “I guess I make things that need energy stronger. I’m like a walking battery.” “You’re the table everyone wants at Starbucks,” Gansey mused as he began to walk again. Blue blinked. “What?” Over his shoulder, Gansey said, “Next to the wall plug.”
“Don’t psychoanalyze me,” her mother said. “I already have. And I say again, ‘ah.’”
LIKE HOW IS IT SO GOOD??!!?? *slams my head against the wall*
Honestly I didn't think I'd like any of the characters going in, but now I'm attached to each and every one of them. It's amazing how she managed to turn such characters into raw, vulnerable, complex people that you can't help but love. I love how there's barely any romance in here, which is also weird because I usually like that stuff. But surprisingly I don't really mind. I also didn't get why they were friends in the first place, but now—I wish I had that kind of bond with someone.
My favourite thing, I have to say though, is probably Noah. I mean, I know he's not one of the "main characters" but he's just so cute. And the dynamic between him and Blue???? I JUST CAN'T 😭💓😭😭
Again, the writing in here is absolutely stunning. I mean, the humour, the atmosphere, the VIBES WERE IMMACULATE LET ME TELL YOU. I felt like everything was so magical and wondrous. And the povs were so wonderfully personal and raw. Oh my god I just love it so much. Possibly will be the only think occuping my headspace for weeks to come and hey, I'm not mad about it.
I don't know if it's the fact that I haven't read that much romance recently, but I loved this so much!! The forbidden love, the sneaking away, stolen kisses—let me just 😚😝😚😝😚😝😚😝😚
Jenny is such a solid main character—I love how she's so talented and although there's romance, she doesn't let it get in the way of her talents or dreams. She's also nice but not in an icky way, you know? Like, she feels real. And also Jaewoo?? MY HEART BELONGS TO THAT MAN 💓💓💓💓 (along with many other fictional men but who's counting?) He's just so sweet and cute and I legit can't find anything wrong with him 😭😭😭 It's not often that I feel for the love interest, but seriously that one scene breaks my heart to pieces. Like how could you hurt him?? 😭💔 All the characters were so kind and cool, my favourite though is probably Youngmin. He's so adorable!!!
This book had me grinning and blushing and screaming into my pillow at 1 in the morning and I really appreciate that.