"As to how you'll help me," he says. "Well, we have met the Answer, have we not?" He turns back to look at us, his eyes glinting. "It is time for them to meet the Ask."
A good enough sequel I think. This book is really fast-paced and action-packed it's like bam bam one after the other. I loved it that they included Viola's pov in this sequel. And you can see the difference between her and Todd's pov and Viola's a bit cleaner I must say, in terms of grammar and spelling and so on, but I like them both. It's consistent.
I guess I'm rating this lower than the first book because there are some parts which drive me crazy but actually I liked the ending better. I mean at first, it's just super annoying what Todd was doing, he keeps doing wrong things over and over again and what do you know another love interest is introduced hey heyyy. I can't even decide if I like Lee or not cause he was just come and go, but I kind hated him a little. He was getting in the way of things. And I loved Viola!! 😍 She knew she didn't feel that way toward Lee and she didn't prolong his suffering lol.
I also liked that we got to see how both main characters got their spotlight in this book, and we see their "true potential". Davy got his redemption arc and it turns out he's got some MAJOR daddy issues, poor thing. It's also cool that Todd got another "pet", a horse 🐎 and you can see that he treats Angharrad much better than he treated Manchee (at first) cause he's missed Manchee so much aaaa my heart 💓.
Moving on to the VILLAIN 😈 or should I say villainS? Mayor Prentiss is the classic evil, greedy, manipulative and powerful villain. I think he was a good villain (lol) and he's smart, and I like to see that. Mistress Coyle, okay I thought she'd be nice cause this is after all a children's book. But it's not black and white in this story, and in fact you get even another enemy at the end of the book, so yay!
I really enjoyed this book. The writing style is immersive and it's how the narrator/main character would actually tell the story. I wished there was a pov from Viola because I think her character could be more developed. The plot was amazing, and the twists I didn't see coming.
Quite alright, I'm not exactly sure how to rate an anthology, but this one was okay. I love the various styles of stories, all connected to sherlock holmes in a way. Some are modern, some stayed classic.
I love it! I swore to myself I'd only read the first book but now I'm dying to know what happens. Absolutely love the plot twist. I guess cause I wasn't expecting any. Beautifully laid out plot. Can't wait to read the next one!