elisereading's reviews
301 reviews

Born, Darkly by Trisha Wolfe

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dark tense medium-paced


enjoyed it (twisted af) but not invested enough to read the second book.
Красный смех by Леонид Андреев

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dark mysterious tense slow-paced


Очень мрачные, страшные рассказы. После прочтения накрывает экзистенциальный кризис и страх бытия. За это я и люблю Андреева. 

Мои любимые рассказы из этого сборника: Он, Красный смех, Жизнь Василия Фивейского. 
Guts by Chuck Palahniuk

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“…even if you're Russian, someday you just might want those teeth.”

i’m russian so yeah… we don’t say that…
the story was fun. we have to give it to chuck palahniuk for body horror though.
La mort est mon métier by Robert Merle

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dark reflective sad tense medium-paced


i liked this book a lot even though the topic was so dark and hard to process. i’ve read it in french and all i can say is that the execution is incredible. the writing alone made me cry several times. i don’t understand why tf i felt sorry for so many men in this book. i definitely shouldn’t. but it made me think a lot and now i cannot properly describe what i feel. i definitely recommend it. and the ending… it broke me and it made me think how rudolf was a child, just a child, and how i felt sorry for him, and how he became truly a monster, and i couldn’t feel sorry for him anymore. 

the author’s preface sums it up perfectly:

“Tout ce que Rudolf fit, il le fit non par méchanceté, mais au nom de l’impératif catégorique, par fidélité au chef, par soumission à l’ordre, par respect pour l’État. Bref, en homme de devoir : et c’est en cela justement qu’il est monstrueux.”