emilymahar's reviews
483 reviews

Birthmarked by Caragh M. O'Brien

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I don't know why I didn't read Birthmarked sooner. I absolutely loved this book!

Gaia was an awesome main character who really cared about what was happening and wanted to make a difference.

I really liked the concept of babies being "advanced" on to live inside the wall of the Enclave. I liked how that added to everything that was going on already.

There were lots of twists and turns in this book. Leon was one of them. I loved him! From the moment we see him inside the wall, I knew that he would be a part of helping Gaia.

The end of this book left me crushed! I don't know what to do! I need to read the second and third books now! Overall, and awesome dystopian genre book that every fan of the genre should read!!
Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by David Levithan, Rachel Cohn

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I did borrow this from my library's eBook collection. This was my first experience using that program. I really loved this book. I don't know why I decided to pick up a book that takes place during Christmas time in summer, but I still enjoyed it none the less.

First I'll start out with Lily. I can picture her as someone kind of like me. A bookish person, a bit nerdy yet still plays sports. I really liked her character. She was witty and smart. Out of the two, I found her narrations more interesting.

Next, Dash. I loved him. If I was Lily, I would've wanted to meet him as soon as he responded in the red notebook. I liked it when in the end they do meet each other, and both of them narrate while with each other.

Now onto the concept of the notebook. I loved how through the majority of the book the two of them communicated through a little red moleskin notebook. The idea was really clever, and made the story so cute.

Overall, if you're looking for a great contemporary novel, this is a perfect choice!
Tortured by Caragh M. O'Brien

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Thank goodness that this short story was written to tide me over to the next book in this series. If it hadn't have been here I might have died of anticipation!!

So glad to see that Leon was okay, and loved reading from his POV.
The Hunger Games Trilogy Boxset by Suzanne Collins

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I'm not sure why, but I never did reviews on any of the books in the Hunger Games trilogy before now. So since I just received the complete trilogy in this box set, I figured it would be a good time.

The Hunger Games:

I obviously enjoyed reading this one. If I didn't I wouldn't have continued on with the series. This was the first ever book that I had read from the dystopian genre, and it blossomed into a very large obsession.

The story was so unique from anything that I'd ever seen before, so I read it as an eBook. The plot was just amazing!! Suzanne Collins had my heart racing, and I was on the edge of my seat! The Games were so intense, and "I just love that!"

Katniss was the star, and I must say that I look up to her. After everything she's been through she still remains this strong girl that could take on the world. I didn't really like Gale. So yes, I am team Peeta! Peeta was perfect. Enough said! :)

Overall, awesome book. Everyone knows that already though!

Catching Fire:

My favorite book in the series. I can't say much more without spoiling, but this book made me really happy.


One of the saddest books ever. Ugh, this book made me cry. Well, not full-out cry, but some wetness started to form around the eyes a little. It also made me mad. But not in a 'I hate this book so much!', kind of way. I loved it, but not my favorite book in the series.

So that's the Hunger Games! If you haven't read it, you're missing out big time and you should!!
Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen

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Bright Young Things was a very entertaining historical fiction!

I loved following the three girls, and especially found it really interesting when their lives intertwined.

Cordelia was my favorite character. I liked how she was really outgoing and fun, but yet was still a smart girl. Astrid and Letty were also great characters, but I didn't find myself rooting for them as much as Cordelia.

The story is really intense, and there's more to it than meets the eye. I liked that about it especially. The crime aspects made the story dangerous and really fun to read.

Charlie and Astrid are so cute, and at some parts I wanted to kick Charlie because of the way he acted. Cordelia and Thom were so amazing together, and I hope in the next book things get cleared up and there was just a misunderstanding... Letty's love interests weren't as good as the others, but I'm hoping she'll have better luck with them in the second book as well.

Overall, for being out of my genre, this was a fantastic book to read. After reading the historical fantasy book, Darker Still, I found myself wanting to read more books set back in history. What a better time than the roaring twenties during Prohibition?! Very satisfying to read and very excited to read the second book in the Bright Young Things series!!
The Sweetest Spell by Suzanne Selfors

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There were many things that I liked about The Sweetest Spell.

One, I liked how there was a good mix of fantasy along with the romance.
Two, I loved how it wasn't like I was just reading a fantasy book, but I was also reading a dystopian too. There were parts that made the book seem that way, and I really liked that.
Three, the characters had lots of depth, and I loved all of them. Each had their own personality. Emmeline was a great main character, and Owen was amazing.

Overall, check this one out if you love fantasy, or are looking for a different kind of dystopian!
Oppression by Jessica Therrien

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I must say that it felt nice to read something about Greek mythology again. When I was younger I was fascinated by it, and sadly since I began reading in the YA genre a few years ago, I haven’t read as much as I would have liked to.

At first it was a little hard to grasp that Elyse, the main character, was actually a LOT older than she acted and looked. But after I started getting into it, I began to like her character more and more! Speaking of characters, how could I go without mentioning William?! I liked him from the beginning. One thing that I would criticize is that Elyse and William’s relationship seemed kind of rushed. But other than that I love Elyse and William together! Also, their friends added a more realistic feeling to the whole book. Anna, Elyse’s first real friend, was one of my favorite characters in the book. Even though she was actually younger than Elyse, but looked older, it seemed like when the two of them were together Anna acted like 18 years old again. I liked that the main character had a friend that she went to other than someone that was involved in the main story (even though she gets involved towards the end).

I really liked the concept of the story, with the bad Descendants and good Descendants. Overall, it was a really quick and fun read. For all of you fantasy lovers out there, I would check this one out!
Insurgent by Veronica Roth

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I was so excited when this book came out. It had to by my most anticipated book of the spring. It lived up to everything that I hoped it would.

Tris was just as amazing and kick-butt as ever, and I loved seeing her personality change throughout the book. Tobias is still incredible, and it was nice to finally see the real him. There were a lot of shockers, and times when I was so overcome with emotion that I didn’t know what to do. Even when the action stopped, every scene was still just as intense!

Overall, Insurgent was the best book that I have read this year so far. The only thing that I would change about reading this book is that I wish I had gotten to read it quicker than I did!!
Ascend by Amanda Hocking

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I just love happy endings!

This wasn't my favorite book of the trilogy, but I did enjoy it. I did with that the outcome of some things would have been different, but the longer after I've finished reading it, the more I become okay with what happened.

Overall, if you have read the first two books, then reading this one is a must!
Wake by Amanda Hocking

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I can only start out this review by saying: Ms Amanda Hocking, you are a fantasy genius! I've read the complete Trylle trilogy and I stll fangirl about things from it, and now I am also a huge fan of the Watersong series!

This book was so, so good. There was never any part of it that I was bored. The characters were fantastic, and the story was cool. It reminded me a bit of Aqumarine + The Lying Game... (Both of those books are very high on my favorites list, by the way).

I didn't like Penn, Theia, or Lexi, and they're up to no good... but I think that's how you're supposed to feel towards them. Gemma was my favorite character. I'm not sure what made her my favorite for me, but from the moment I started reading about her, I just liked her a lot. Harper is a good character, too but I feel like she might be a bit too overprotective of Gemma. I did like how she acted as a mother to her because of what happened with their mom. Alex is just too amazing - enough said. I didn't like Daniel in the beginning of the book but I warmed up to him, a bit like Harper did. By the end I was very happy about him appearing more and more.

I did find some of it to be predictable, but for me that doesn't matter that much. If I'm right I like to see how the author makes everything play out, and if I'm wrong, then I like being surprised!

Overall, I loved this book!! Awesome read.