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1209 reviews

Wild Reckless by Ginger Scott

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actual rating 3.5 stars. maybe, not sure

I had a hard time deciding a proper rating for this book. I kinda feel guilty for not liking it as much as everyone did. Seeing that none of my friends on Goodreads gave it less than 3 stars and these many positive reviews. I may not have been in a mood for a romance while reading it, I don't know, but I wasn't satisfied. It was sometimes so predictable. The story was sweet, but it didn't attract me.

Kensi is a city girl, she moved with her family to a new town called "Woodstock". She's trying to adjust. After meeting some new friends, she's starting to accept the change. Music is her passion and she's enjoying being in the school's band. Everything is going smoothly. Except her pain in the ass neighbor. Who happened to be in her school and not that only, he enjoys provoking her and making her uncomfortable. But no, she won't be intimidated by this dark guy.

Owen Harper is bad news. His father died in front of his eyes. He seems to always have a girl with him. You can say he's the schools manwhore. He's keeping a fake appearance, but nobody notices, except for Kensi. She saw more than a player. And soon she'll be falling for him. Yet, his life isn't easy. He has so much weight to handle.

When the life she once though good will shatter, she's about to doubt everything about it: herself, her real friends and her heart.

As you see, this is a story many people will like so yeah, I get them. That's why, I'm gonna start with the good stuff.

I liked the true Owen. How he revealed himself to Kens, I thought at first that he won't acknowledge her in public but no, he couldn't stop kissing her. How he took care of everything, handled these big responsibilities while maintaining good grades. How he treated her, most of the time at least and you could see his love in his words, in his actions. He's so much more than a usual guy. He supported her in everything and was devilishly cute.

Kensi helped Owen in everything. Literally. She didn't run away from the shadows of his life even though she could. She didn't give up on him. Tried to do her best to make him happy. Yes, I liked her reaction toward her father. Maybe too much. Oh, yeah, I did. I enjoyed the book. It was fun. I wasn't bored even though like I said before, it was predictable. Not always, of course.

Kensi and Owen made a perfect couple. Of course, I'm not spoiling it by saying they're a couple. LOOK at the cover. Okay, my point is she was his anchor. Same thing goes him: he always knew the best for her when she didn't. Especially

when he surprised her by taking her to the auditions for college.

But let's face it, ridiculous things and silly gestures irritates me. Like pulling a "hand" trigger declaring a war between them. Seriously? That was just lame. And childish.

And what's up with the blushing? It's nice to read a book where the heroine doesn't blush on every single occasion. I used to think it was cute. And on some heroines it is (it depends on the personality, background, the past, experience...) Anyway, it's annoying the hell out of me these days. It's so cliche. I had to roll my eyes on several occasions while reading this book

And I had to ask this question more than once: what on Earth does she do in her free time? She doesn't play anymore she do nothing. It's like her life was all about Owen only, and in case he left, her soul will be gone too. And you might think that *omg so cute* but no, it isn't.

The idea of him leaving her was so easy. But not the opposite.

SPOILER ALERT. I won't hide this one.
"Even now, a year later, I still want to be the only girl he notices."
Oh poor Kensi, guess what! IT IS F*CKING NORMAL. Well, if you don't then you'll be a complete fool of course.
You know, while reading a book, some sentences that look casual enough just hit you and make you change the whole rating. And this was one of those.

Frostbite by Richelle Mead

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This book is so good! Can't wait to read the next one. And I definitely liked Rose better in this one. For many reasons like she isn't all about I'm so hot, she's kind of wiser, certainly.
Shadows by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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3.5 stars

I usually don't rate novellas more than 4 stars. And as much as I love the Lux series, I couldn't connect with the characters in this book. Especially Beth. No one is gonna replaces Daemon and Kat, of course. So it was good to see him again, how he was before. I had this unexpected feeling that I missed them and then I was thinking about rereading Obsidian. Which is something I rarely do. I just wish I have read this book before starting the actual series, but it was nice to remember why I loved it that much.
Wait for You by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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2.5 stars
Wait for you was a huge disappointment. I would give it 2 stars only if it weren't for Cam. But then I thought it has already a high rating and it's not worth it.
You see, I am a huge fan of Lux series, and this is Jennifer L. Armentrout so I was waiting for something, I don't know, new. But it was so much like the other new adult books. And worst actually.

Avery left her hometown wanting to leave everything behind her trying to move on. But her dark secret can't let her go, she can't ignore it, she's trying at least. She made two friends, it is a huge thing considering high school. She meets this super hot guy, Cam, twice, accidentally. And to her surprise, it happens that he is living next door in the same apartment with his friend. She accepts to hang out with him. Like casual friends, but he's attraction to her is undeniable. Cam keeps asking her out, Avery continues to refuse. But after proving himself, she accepts to go on a date with him. But she's keeping many secrets about her past. And Cam is different, right? Some things are worth fighting for.

Avery is so irritating sometimes. She's a coward. I hate cowards. No matter what the heck they were been through. I understood her, I really did, however, everything has limits. She wasted too many opportunities to confess. But what can I say, Cam is a good guy. Also, I genuinely dislike those characters who doesn't do anything in their free time except studying. She can read a book, watch a movie, whatever! But only studying? No, that's too much. She wasn't an interesting heroine. I was shocked to know she watched a season from Supernaturals. But again, according to her situation then, not that much. My favorite Avery was the one in the last chapters. Secrets can change so much. Oh, speaking about that, I don't think we had to guess her dark secret quickly, right? But it was too obvious.

Cam is wonderful. I liked him so much. He's nice, funny, sweet and many other things. He clearly loves Avery, but I don't really know what he sees in her to be honest.

She made two friends. Brit and Jordan. The girl is pretty cool. She's a good friend. She noticed things no one else did. She knew something was wrong. Briefly, she loves Avery and she wants the best for her. But Jordan? No. I almost hated him. It's all about sex for him. He's like obsessed or something. He wanted her to sleep with Cam like now.

This book is overrated in my opinion. There are some very lame expressions. For example, I hated the cookie talk. So annoying and useless. Nothing about it is sexy or hot.

It was so cliche. Abused girl, meets some hot guy. They fall in love. But the thing is some of them are good. Some of them are beautiful. Wait for you wasn't.