harrietj's reviews
227 reviews

The Chronicles of Conan, Volume 33: The Mountain Where Crom Dwells by Roy Thomas

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This is one of the few Conan graphics novels that I haven't really enjoyed. A lot of the stories weren't originally Conan tales and I think it shows; the wonderful characterization of Conan himself just isn't there in much of this book. Without it, it's basic sword and sorcery stuff and it feels a bit dated and dull. The art is also really not great in this volume. I feel like by this point in the series it was really coasting by in a mediocre gear.
Nightwing Vol. 4: Love and Bullets by Chuck Dixon

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I didn't love this volume. It felt messy and confused and I'm not sure it added much to the overall story.
The Ultimate Spider-Man by Stan Lee

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As always with anthologies it's difficult to review this as one whole because the quality does vary, but overall I liked it a lot. Spider-Man is such a kinetic, visual hero that it's hard to convey him well through prose but by and large the authors here manage it. Maybe there was never a tale close to as good as Spidey's best comics are, but I had fun with almost every one of these stories.
The Hillside Stranglers by Darcy O'Brien

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I did not like that man Grogan one bit. I mean he obviously wasn't the worst man in the book, but at least the other misogynist creeps weren't hero worshipped by the author.

The descriptions of the crimes were horrible and I'm not at all sure there was justification for such graphic portrayals. It was salacious and unpleasant.
Wonder Woman: Warbringer: The Graphic Novel by Leigh Bardugo, Louise Simonson

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I don't understand why this had the same gross grey-green colour palate as The Ring (2002).
The Haunted by Danielle Vega

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It was okay. I did not enjoy the ending. Also, two lines of dialogue were lifted directly from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This book might be for kids, who've never seen the show, but we adults still remember.