inherentlysleepy's reviews
211 reviews

Another Day by David Levithan

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Recommended by: No one. Was only enticed and intrigued upon walking down the book store.
Recommended to: NO ONE. Please spare yourself from this kind of fiction.

If I could give Another Day zero stars, I would.

This was a book I've been meaning to buy way before, and was only able to on Christmas last year. I just came across this book on my feed today which stirred my emotions once again.

I'm not *usually* ruthless toward books I never liked. But apparently Another Day is the one among two books I was recently infuriated with. Really infuriated with that I categorized it to my trash.

So I heard it's a companion to Every Day, and some say it could also be a standalone. I've even read some reviews that it could be enjoyed without having read the former. But WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK.


First off: Bad writing. Terrible. Terrible. Remember that cliché writing mantra that goes "show, don't tell"? Well, I was TOLD - all... the... time. It's annoying. I'm Rhiannon, and I'm annoyed. And hurt. And heart broken. Oh, poor me. Pity me! It's annoying. I'm repetitive. So repetitive. I'm so annoyed, and hurt, and heart broken, and repetitive, but still I go on blabbering because, heh, for the sake of the book.

Second: I'll be damned if this Rhiannon girl wasn't the worst POV of all time. Need I say more?

Third: Each part of it- paragraph, sentence, word, letter- was a drag. Why would I care? Why SHOULD I care? Why does it even matter? This particular one simlly lacked on a material that would make me empathize with the protagonist.

YA is a genre I enjoy reading because they are generally relatable, but this one I was compelled to throw in the corner—not even halfway reading—as much as my excitement upon buying it.
Rain by Karen Duve

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I finished reading this 4 years ago. And I was surprised I was even able to finish it. I like weird and deteriorated stories but this one utterly made no sense to me. Characters weren't able to scream empathy for me as a reader. There's just no point in it.