inniebin's reviews
931 reviews

Omega's Capture by Lillian Sable

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In book 2 we get a little more insight on Legion and Ianthe's relationship. We also see a sneak peak of what kind of man he once was, and maybe still can be to her - behind his cold and calculating exterior. Like the first book we end on a cliffhanger, which I never like - but the suspense is such that I was kept at the edge of my seat during the entirety of this book. We are introduced to more characters and the plot thickens. I am really looking forward to the 3rd one.

I struggled with my rating, because even though I really enjoyed the book, I like the plot, I have a sort of...Fallout feeling to the world of Pandora (though I have to admit that since the movie Avatar - reading a book in the Omegauniverse with the same name for the world as what was in the film, puts me off slightly and confuses my mind for a fast second every time it's named. hehe)

If I had anything negative to say about the book it would be that I found this particular copy (I didn't find the same problem in the 1st book, Omega's Deception) to have what I feel is an extreme amount of spelling mistakes. It even going so far as to have, at one point, the wrong name of the character! Legion is called Julian in one particular sentence. There are also far too many sentences that are also grammatically incorrect simply because there is a repeat of the same word in the wrong context of the sentence, which means the reader has to correct it for themselves.
So something has gone wrong here at the branch responsible for checking these things. It might be that I am unlucky with my copy - but I can only review what I have received for my money.