jazmin's reviews
676 reviews

Twisted Bonds by Cora Reilly

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“Sometimes I feel like my insides are a raging flood of emotions when I look at you, but I don’t mind drowning.”

I love this book with my whole heart. I never thought it’d be so amazing to read from Kiara and Nino’s perspective again considering they already got an entire book, but it was truly fantastic to see the Falcones again.

“Life doesn’t work like that. Bad things are not fate, or punishment of an almighty power. Sometimes bad things just happen.”

This book spanned over the course of book three and then continued in real time, and I really liked that. It gave us a perspective into not only what Nino and Kiara were doing, but everyone other than Remo and Serafina, which was great because their book was very focused on them.

For a book that was supposed to be continuing a story we’d already heard, there was a surprising amount action and new content. That made me really invested in not only the characters but the plot as well!

So the next book is Savio’s. I said to myself I wouldn’t read it because I really hated him in book one, but now I think I’ll regret it if I don’t read it, even if I don’t end up liking the book. So, long story short, I’m gonna read it. ALSO, ADAMO’S BOOK IS AFTER AND IF I NEED TO READ SAVIO’S BOOK TO READ THE LOML ADAMO’S, SO BE IT.

They all wore different masks, Nino his lack of emotions. Remo his anger, and Savio his arrogance. I wasn’t quite sure about Adamo’s mask yet, but he was wearing one too, I was sure of it.


Twisted Pride by Cora Reilly

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“You had wings all along. You only needed a little push to spread them and fly.”

I’m gonna go ahead and say right off the bat that I’m in the minority when it comes to the books in this series because this one was not my favourite. Don’t get me wrong, it was fantastic, but I definitely felt less drawn to it than the other books.

This book was not what I expected. It went so far beyond the whole kidnapping Beauty and The Beast type situation, and that definitely made me like it more. So what didn’t I like? If I’m being honest, both Serafina and Remo weren’t my favourite. Maybe it’s because Remofina has so much hype surrounding it that my expectations were too high, but they just didn’t live up to what I thought they would.

I did really like Serafina, but she was my least favourite of the three female main characters. Maybe it was because she was the least relatable…? I just didn’t connect with her as much as Leona and Kiara, and that made me less invested in the story overall. However, no one can deny that she was ICONIC, and said some pretty iconic things.

“You took something from me, true, but you’re not the only one doing the taking. Maybe you don’t see it yet, but with every bit you take from me, you’re giving me a bit of yourself in return, Remo, and you will never get it back.”

But I do have to say that I adored the last 20% of this book. That’s when things really started to switch up and I was all for it. I just wish I loved the beginning of the book as much as the end.



Not My Romeo by Ilsa Madden-Mills

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“My nana used to say that broken people love the hardest because they appreciate the things that make their heart beat. Do I make your heart beat?”

This was a pretty fun romance! I really enjoyed the way this book started, and although it did start to drag a bit later on, it was a solid read overall.

⇢The Plot
As I mentioned, this book started off really strong. I love the trope where the mc doesn’t recognize the love-interest even though they’re super famous, because despite being pretty cliché it’s always entertaining, and this book succeeded where that trope was concerned.

However, as soon as that initial whoa-you-don't-know-me and oh-you-lied anger wore off, the plot was primarily pushed forward by communication issues between the two main characters, which as you may know, I’m not a fan of. I mean, if your book would be over if a single healthy conversation between the main characters was to occur but you decide to ignore that and push communication issues, you probably should have added another more enjoyable conflict instead.

That slightly annoying plotline aside, this book’s plot was well written and enjoyable. It had a great flow and definitely had me hooked from the start!

So, Elena was this book’s main character. Would it be weird for me to say that despite that I feel like I barely know her? I mean, what we saw of her was nice, but I really wish that more sides of her were explored- like her job search and her other hobbies. I feel like outside of the romance, what we knew of her from her own perspective was very limited, and same with Jake really. But Romeo >> (Romeo is her pet pig sjhsksjsh)

“I even made Romeo a pillow.”
“Is that the new wide receiver for the Saints? Drafted last year?” She cocks her head. “Hardly. He’s my little potbellied pig. A teacup.”

So, I liked Jake, he just wasn’t that… memorable? Like, I’m probably not going to look back on this book in the future and think “oh I liked that love-interest/character” because there wasn’t much to separate him from the other secretly sweet jock characters that exist in other books. Wow, when did I get so critical?? But yeah, he was just… eh.

⇢Elena and Jake
So even though the characters themselves weren’t anything too remarkable, their romance was significantly better. They had good chemistry and most of their interactions were really sweet. I liked how the play fit into their relationship, even if I didn’t love the rest of the ending… I mean one minute you’re FINALLY agreeing to trust someone and then you’re PROPOSING (sort of)??? Huh? (Yeah I’m sorry I’m just feeling very critical today, I swear this book wasn’t bad at all)

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .


Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas

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“Having regrets is the only sign that you’ve done anything interesting with your life.”

This was a cute and slightly aggravating historical romance with a promising cast of characters that make me excited to read the next books!

⇢The Plot
So, I liked how this book started, from the prologue to the pact made by the Wallflowers, to Annabelle’s sickness. But when she and Simon got married, things just became… eh.

As historical romance readers know, in these books, marriage ≠ the end of the book because marriage is often just a plot device and doesn’t even mean that the characters care for each other. In fact, they might completely despise one another. But like… did I really feel like reading a good 25% of this book after the characters got married just to wait for them to wake out of their stupors and decide that they were in love? Not particularly.

And on the topic of weird plotlines, what was that whole almost-murder thing?? I mean, I guess it sort of made sense but it just seemed like it was randomly included to make the book longer. And same with the fire... I guess it was necessary but I was just caught off guard by it.

But for all that complaining, this book was still really enjoyable. The romance was sweet and overall I was definitely entertained. And the healing-while-sick trope part was great.

Annabelle was a good protagonist. It was easy to root for her and empathize with her. I doubt that by the end of this series she’ll be my favourite of the leading ladies because there was nothing that really stood out to me about her either, but no complaints. But I do want to say, I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE OTHER GIRLS’ BOOKS. Let’s just say the foreshadowing was great.

"How sweet," Annabelle mumbled sickly, her eyes closed. "Every woman dreams of being told that she's preferable to a dead cow.”

From the reviews this book has, I can see that a lot of people called Simon sweet... I just don’t see it. I mean, perseverant…passionate…nice or kind I guess. But most of the time I felt like him being nice was for his own sake? Or it didn’t last long. Anyhow, that’s definitely not the first word I would use. And I’m sorry, I just don’t get why so many people are obsessed with him. Did I miss something??

I think the part of his character that I liked the most was that he wasn’t born into his wealth. That offered a unique glimpse into the side of London that rarely appears in these books, and definitely made him stand out from most of the other love-interests I’ve seen in regency/victorian books.

The fact that not much really stood out to me about either Annabelle or Simon isn’t surprising because I feel like the first couple in these kinds of series is always the baseline and then the more fun or unique pairings come later, so on that note, I’m actually really looking forward to the next book because I am confident that Lillian won’t let me down.

⇢Annabelle and Simon

I liked these two as a couple, but I feel like some of the conflict surrounding why they didn’t get together earlier was pointless. You may or may not know, but in historical romances there are women who are considered “marrying material” and then those who aren’t. In this case, Annabelle wasn’t, because she didn’t have a dowry.

So basically a huge part of this book was her needing to get married to pay for stuff, but not wanting to become a mistress to do so. I mean, that’s reasonable. But you’d assume that therefore the conflict was the fact that Simon i don’t know, couldn’t marry her without risking looking bad or something. But no. In the end, the fact that she was not marrying material didn’t really affect anything because he decided he would be fine marrying her so quickly. So then, why did he let her freak out about finding a husband for SO LONG?? If you knew that marriage wasn’t off the table, why act the opposite way?!? Rant over, but I hope my point made sense.

Also, if you’re wondering why I can’t seem to stop reading historical fiction series despite always seeming to have issues with them, (mostly relating to how uninformed, innocent and mistreated the female characters are because y’know, it’s the 1800s), I can’t tell you either. I guess I’m just looking for that one gem that usually hides in the middle of the series and makes it on to my favourites list.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .


It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas

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“The next time you face a room full of strangers . . . you might tell yourself that some of them are just friends waiting to be found.”

This was so fun, and way better than the first book in this series. And Lillian was an absolutely fantastic protagonist who lived up to every single expectation I had!

⇢The Plot
I think that the plot in this book was a lot less distinct than book one, and revolved a lot more around the character’s interactions rather than events or balls or whatever. I didn’t mind that at all, in fact, I think it worked really well for this couple!

On the other hand, the ending, I didn’t love. Maybe it’s just me but the ending made St. Vincent look like a villain, but then he gets his own book? Like, his behaviour in this book really makes me not want to continue to the next one…

Lillian was BY FAR the best part of this book. Strong female protagonists in historical books are always the best purely because you get to see them fighting against the restraints placed on them by society, and our outspoken heroine followed through on that. Her character was refreshing and fun and all-around great!

“Fear you?" she said without thinking. "Good God, I would never do that." "No, you wouldn't," he agreed. "You'd spit in the devil's eye if it suited you.”

I didn’t love Marcus, but he was definitely a better love-interest than Hunt. I really liked his personality and literally all of his interactions with Lillian were hilarious. Their banter >>

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .


Him by Elle Kennedy, Sarina Bowen

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“Because home is him”

This was a cute and heartwarming sports romance! At this point, I’m gonna need to stop saying that I’m not a fan of sports books because I seem to enjoy most of them… Also, books that take place in Toronto are automatically on my good list.

⇢The Plot
This book didn’t focus that much on the plot, which wasn’t bad per se, but I guess I was expecting more plotlines and conflicts considering that the characters were at a huge turning point in their lives concerning their careers.

However, the sports scenes that we did see- the teams, the competition, the camp etc were great! Like I said, I’m definitely warming up to reading about sports.

⇢The Characters

Really, the only characters that were ever focused upon were Jamie and Wes. I did like them, but maybe it would have been fun if we could also have seen them interact more with their friends. I feel like they were just in a bubble the entire time and it felt a bit weird.

But now that I’ve gotten those few complaints out of the way, I did really like the way the characters were written! Jaime was extremely likeable and relatable which made it easy to root for him, and Wes was that sort of cool character who from the outside looks perfect but then you realize has a lot more hidden which was intriguing. Their personalities were really distinct despite them having similar interests and although they may not be the most memorable characters ever, they were more than decently written.

⇢Jamie and Wes
Jaime and Wes as a couple played into a lot of tropes like childhood friends to strangers to lovers and whatever you call the trope where the characters have a huge falling out when they’re younger and then reconnect, and I definitely think that all that made them have a great connection and history. They were definitely a cute couple. But I think the downfall with that was that since so many of their interactions were coming from a place of familiarity, sometimes I just didn’t feel the chemistry…? Not a major concern, but that was just a part of the book that dragged for me.

On the other hand, I think the authors did a good job of addressing issues like homophobia and internalized biphobia through what the characters faced. Obviously, no two experiences are the same but I think that the authors managed to capture a few different possibilities over the course of the story, which was definitely one of the more sad themes that appeared in this book.

“But here’s the thing about family, Ryan…blood doesn’t mean shit. You just need to surround yourself with people who do love you, and they become your family.”

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .


Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco

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“Love is the most powerful magic. Above all else, remember that. It will always guide you where you need to go.”

A dark and immersive YA fantasy with plenty of friendship and family, and a hint of romance. I loved some things about this book but unfortunately found some other things lacking.

⇢The Setting
Kerri Maniscalco is the queen of writing immersive books, and that was no different in this case. Right from the start, I felt like I was right alongside Emilia, and it was easy to picture all of the different places she visited.

On the other hand, as much as I loved the ambiance, I found the world-building to be a bit lacking. I know that there’s definitely still room for that in book two, but for some reason, the setting felt limited. I would have liked for there to be a bit more explanations when it came to the human world, especially considering the next book will focus a lot more on the demon kingdoms as far as I can tell.

⇢Emilia and Wrath and the Other Characters
I know this is a weird thing to say after reading an entire book, but I honestly feel like I don’t know all that much about the characters in this novel. Emilia is by far the person we know the most about, but I think that since her only goal throughout this book was to find her sister that prevented us from really learning who she was outside her of her family. I hope that in the next book we’ll learn more about her hobbies (aside from reading) and motivations and goals outside of her sister.

“A good book was its own brand of magic, one I could safely indulge in without fear of getting caught by those who hunted. I loved escaping from reality, especially during times of trouble. Stories made everything possible.”

Also, on the topic of Emilia’s family, was it only me who found it weird that Emilia’s grandmother started out with a huge role and it seemed like she would be a main character and then we barely saw her? And Emilia’s parents basically did nothing? I mean, that’s not going to make me reduce my rating but it was still weird.

As for Wrath, I can say that he definitely made the story more interesting, but I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM. I NEED MORE. Like he has so many stans so I guess I expected to know more?? Maybe that was the point, but he’s a complete mystery still and I can’t really decide if I like him or not until I know more. However, his and Emilia’s banter was amazing. Maybe not as iconic as Audrey Rose and Thomas’, but still really fun.

“One day you'll call me Death.
For now, Wrath will do.”

And the rest of the princes… once again, nada. I know we only saw a few of them but even those, I can barely tell apart and just want to know more.

⇢The Plot
The beginning of this book was pretty slow, and while it picked up a little, I found it dragged for the most part. Maybe that was just me…

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .


The Penultimate Hours by Cassandra Clare

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For a moment, Alastair looked lost, hesitant. It had been a long time since Cordelia had seen an expression so open on his face. Then he slammed shut like an iron gate. “We’re all of us alone,” he said. “In the end.”

⇢Ragnor’s Letter to Magnus
This was cute and fun! I love how Ragnor described all of the TLH crew, particularly Christopher!

⇢A Lightwood Christmas Carol
Gideon and Will’s friendship was the absolute best! It was sweet to see Gideon so concerned about Thomas’ health, and I definitely hate Tatiana more after all she said about Sophie.

⇢Lucie and Ghosts
A sweet and short story! I love all of Jessamine and Lucie’s interactions and this one was no different. I also liked that little Jesse reference at the end ;)

⇢Lucie and Cordelia
I LOVE LUCIE AND CORDELIA’S FRIENDSHIP SO MUCH. I also love the nickname Daisy for Cordelia, and it was cute to see how that name originated!

⇢Cordelia and Alastair
Cordelia and Alastair’s relationship is everything. There are so many great sibling friendships in TSC, and theirs is definitely one I want to see more of. And of course, hearing Alastair recount his experiences at the Academy was as sad as it was to hear in Chain of Gold :(

⇢The Anniversary Party
I loved this! It was cool to see Cordelia meet some of the main TLH characters for the first time and to see James interact with Alastair before attending the Academy with him.

⇢The Devil Tavern
I had always wondered how James got the Merry Thieves’ meeting spot at The Devil Tavern and this story answered that question! Of course, loved the Merry Thieves content.

⇢The City of Bones
This was so cute, but also bittersweet, just like all the stories that take place before the incident that changed Matthew. It was nice to see him so happy, but sad when you think of how his life would change soon…

THIS WAS TOO CUTE. We all know that Christopher loves his experiments and inventions, and it was so interesting to see how that came about! ICON:

“Who do you think is the Shadowhunter who has saved the most lives, boy?”
“I suppose you think it’s your papa.”
“No,” said Christopher after a moment’s thought. “I would say my Uncle Henry.” The Inquisitor appeared thunderstruck. “I performed an analysis,” Christopher said peacefully. “If Uncle Henry had not invented the Portal, there is a strong possibility that our numbers would be less by a third. I believe you yourself would have died nine years ago, during the Dantalion attack on the York Institute. Since Portals will exist long after uncle Henry is dead, I expect he will end up having saved more lives than any other Shadowhunter, including Jonathan Shadowhunter. Unless I can invent something which will be as useful. Which naturally I aspire to do.”

This was such a cute collection of stories! There are always so many small details and scenes that can’t make it into the main books that you wish you could see, and these short stories answered so many of those questions!

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .


Chain of Iron by Cassandra Clare

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“Hast thou gone among the streets of the city and the watchmen there, and found the one thy soul loves?”

This review is going to be 90% me freaking out and ranting about this book and only 10% of actual analysis. GOD I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS SO MUCH HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT A OVER A YEAR FOR THE NEXT ONE??

Anyway, I’m going to try to talk about things in chronological order so if you only want to know my thoughts on the ending scroll to the bottom.

Warning: there will be major spoilers from here on. I don't mention who the killer is, but I talk about almost everything else!

⇢The Wedding
Oh my god, I absolutely adored the ceremony itself. JAMES MORGAN HENRY HERONDALE. CORDELIA KATAYOUN CARSTAIRS. I LOVE IT. Now I know that the wedding after-party reception was basically ruined by Elias and the thomastair interaction, but I can’t say that I’m that mad about it, because I don’t think anyone really expected it to go without any hiccups. Overall, let’s just say that I thought it was super cute and the problems that ensued didn’t didn’t take all that much away from my enjoyment.

“He has given us a tremendous capacity to love. To give of our hearts, to let them be filled and filled again with the love that consecrates us all. To love one another is to come as close as we ever can to being angels ourselves.”

I’m gonna also talk about herondaisy / jordelia here since I might as well. So, I obviously really like James and Cordelia together and hate am not a fan of Matthew and Cordelia as a couple. Herondaisy… this book put their relationship through a lot, which was definitely what I expected. CC main couples never get together before the last book in the trilogies so I anticipated that. BUT SO MUCH STRESS AND ANGST AND PAIN? That, I was not ready for. The whole book I was screaming at James to take the Gracelet off and then when he finally did?! Well, you’ll see in the paragraph where I talk about the ending. But let’s just say that it made me very mad and I am still thinking about how things could have easily worked out if not for my least favourite trope: communication issues.

Also, here’s a snippet of Will’s advice to James before the wedding… if only James had followed it UGH.

“So here it is: always tell Cordelia what you feel.” He looked James in the eye. “You may fear what will happen if you speak your heart. You may wish to hide things because you fear hurting others. But secrets have a way of eating at relationships, Jamie. At love, at friendship—they undermine and destroy them until in the end you find you are bitterly alone with the secrets you kept.”

⇢The Killer’s POV and the Murders

I actually really liked reading those short snippets from the Killer’s perspective. It made the book a lot more exciting and actually made the killer seem more threatening. CC’s books are definitely more character-based than plot-based, but I have to say that this book actually did have a lot going on in terms of the storyline. And that seems to be how her more recent books are turning out.

⇢Grace’s POV and the Flashbacks
I said that this book would make me hate Grace a lot less and I was right. It was really hard to dislike her after seeing just how much Tatiana controlled her and how all she wanted was a friend and a family. It’s obvious that the majority of her bad actions were simply her following Tatiana’s orders and once you read from her perspective you see just how hard it would be for her to break free of Tatiana’s control.

“She would smile at Grace in the carriage as they returned home from a particularly successful night. “You are your mother’s blade,” she would say, “cutting these arrogant boys down to size.”
And Grace would smile back, agreeing. “I am my mother’s blade indeed.”

I didn’t love the flashbacks that involved things that we already knew (i.e the scene where Tatiana says that she’s going to ask James to cut the briars or whatever) but I enjoyed Grace’s chapters overall.

⇢Lucie and Jesse
Wow, I actually liked them so much more in this book. I loved seeing Lucie so passionate about something, and the scenes they had together, including the dance, were very cute.

“Lucie. You were wrong in what you said—but only when you claimed you are not like Princess Lucinda. Not brave or resourceful or clever. You are a thousand times those things. You are better than any imagined heroine. You are my heroine.”

I think things moved a bit fast, but since we don’t know how things ended off after Lucie brought him back, I won’t say that their relationship developed too fast because we don’t even know how Jesse reacted. For all we know, CC may introduce a whole other conflict to separate them in book 3.

⇢Anna and Ariadne
Honestly, I really wanted more development for these two. Yeah, we got to see Ariadne determined to win Anna back, and their scenes at the Hell Ruelle, but what I really wanted was emotional development. And to say the least, this book had practically none.

“Ariadne stepped into her petticoats. “I’m not leaving.”
Anna looked at her with real curiosity. “Why not?”
“Because,” Ariadne said, “when you want something very much, you are willing to accept the shadow of that thing. Even if it is just a shadow.”

Also, I NEED MORE ARIADNE APART FROM ANNA. SHE IS AN AMAZING CHARACTER, SO WHY ARE ALL HER SCENES JUST HER AND ANNA? Especially since Grace living at her house could have been a way for CC to give her some character development… CC please give your sapphic characters a role for once, please.

⇢Thomas and Alastair
WHY DID WE HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR A HAPPY-ISH THOMASTAIR SCENE UGH. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!!! The entire scene was adorable… the aftermath not so much. I just really want them to be happy even if that’s sort of wishful thinking…

“You were always my secret,” said Thomas softly, and Alastair turned a startled gaze on him.”

As for their solo development, I of course loved the start of Alastair’s journey. (If you don't like him at this point... All I have to say is HOW??) It was obvious that he made an effort and I loved seeing him healing after all the events that took place in Chain of Iron. Now all I want is for Thomas to be in a better place too so that they can be together. Crossing my fingers for no thomastair death trope.

⇢Grace and Christopher
So… it seems like CC has in fact decided to make Grace and Kit a couple? I don’t want to get into it that much because I know there are super conflicting opinions on them: some people say that they’re cousins and that’s it, and then there are others who argue that since they’re not blood related and that since Grace is more Tatiana’s ward than daughter that it’s okay.

I think I’m in the middle somewhere, so all that I will say is that it’s nice that Kit treats her like a friend even after all Grace has done and that he finally has someone who is interested in his experiments. I honestly just hope that CC will take the less controversial route and make them friends…

⇢The Ending

GOD. I WANT TO ATTACK SOMEONE RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD (/lh). Did I ask for whatever is going on with fairstairs? NO. Did I ask for James to be an idiot and make things worse? DOUBLE NO. Did I ask for Cordelia to misinterpret things and RUN OFF????? NO NO NO. And then the fact that I won’t even know what happens until Chain of Thorns? AHHHHHHH I HATE IT HERE

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

My Chain of Iron Playlist:
my chain of iron playlist


The Guy on the Right by Kate Stewart

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“I might’ve fallen slowly, but I just landed impossibly deep.”

⇢The Plot
This book had an intriguing concept, and definitely gave us an NA protagonist that isn’t seen all too often. Because the book focused a lot on the characters themselves there wasn’t really a “plot” and it just followed the characters as their relationship developed, which wouldn’t have been a problem if the blurb hadn’t been so misleading.

Based on the description I was waiting for a conflict involving Troy and it just… barely ever came? The whole thing didn’t really last long and it came so late in the book anyhow. I mean, that’s not really an issue, but it was confusing for me because I put a lot of stock in blurbs. I know this is honestly an insignificant issue but just wanted to mention it.

Starting off with Theo, as much as I appreciated his character and think that we need more main characters like him, I just didn’t vibe with him all that much.

The main reason why was the way his personality felt like it was switching back and forth at times. Yeah, he was sweet most of the time but there were a few scenes where he acted a bit out of character even to the point of making rude or harmful statements that I just didn’t like. Maybe I’m judging him a bit too harshly because I really wanted him to maintain that “nice guy” personality all the time, but I don’t know, he just felt off at times and was sort of hard for me to connect to.

However, I want to reiterate that it’s great that there are protagonists like him who are sweet and not interested in sports and not players and who basically go against that stereotypical NA guy. 

⇢Theo and Laney
Starting off with early on in the book, I have to admit I didn’t really feel the chemistry between them. I honestly felt like they’d be better off as just friends. Fortunately, that changed about 60% in, and I really started rooting for them. I definitely wish their relationship had been a bit more slow burn so that we could have gotten to see them as friends for longer, but other than that, I think they were great. Super cute!

"Grannism—They say a kiss is worth a thousand words, I say hand-holdin’ is where it’s at."

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .