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jenny_reads_horror's reviews
801 reviews
Manchester House by Donald Allen Kirch
Finished this book last night but felt like I needed time to digest what I had read before I could write this review. The beginning sucked me in, the middle was slow in some parts and fast in others and the ending...well I have I have to say is Wow! The ending had me on the edge of my seat and I felt like I couldn't read fast enough to find out what was going to happen. Very few grammatical errors (which is a big plus for me, especially in an e-book) but I will say the one thing I didn't like about this book was the use of the dash symbol (-), alot! I kept having to re-read paragraphs because I felt like I was missing words or something was suppose to be hyphenated, where a comma would of made the book flow so much better. Through the book, I kept thinking Man, this should be a movie because it is just the kind of movies I love! I'm not sure why but I fell in love with the character of Mr. Night, he is so wise and knowledgeable, and I love the references to where some of his items in his conjure kit came from. I felt like there was some skipping around in the middle and some characters didn't get the much "attention". Overall, the story was a frighteningly good read! I may have to re-read it come Halloween time! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting a haunting story and am anxious to read more from this author!!!
Linden's Last Life: The Point of No Return Is Just the Beginning by Alan Cohen
How much does your life mean to you...This one will make you stop and think! Linden is down on his luck and at the lowest point in his life.
A stranger being at the right place at the right time begins Linden's journey to find himself, the meaning of life, and the realization that things aren't always as they seem. His journey takes him to many places throughout the world, allows him to meet new people that lead into important and meaningful friendships, and find out the meaning of love. His road is not always easy, with lots of problems and hardships. In the end, he realizes that what he thought he was looking for all along was not what he really wanted. He took things for granted and almost lost what he had been looking for all along.
No matter which God you believe in, this is a great story that will remind you that you will not be deserted. Whether you, like Linden, are also down on your luck, going through some of your own hardships, or just want a positive uplifting story to will find it right here, in this book! Excellent writing, excellent story line. I did read this on my Nook, downloaded from Barnes and and there were very few grammatical errors BUT Chapter 11 was missing.
A few of my favorite quotes from this book:
" Nothing in this world will bring you peace. No one can make you happy or take happiness from you. Uproot desires for anything outside yourself, and you are free..."
"Life is suffering. Suffering springs from desire. If you do not get what, you become unhappy. If you do get what you want, you are happy for a moment, but then when you lose it, you become unhappy."
"Every thought you think, word you speak, and deed you do sends ripples into the universe, like the wake a motorboat creates on a lake. The waves hit the shore and bounce back to affect you long after they were created. The more you pursue desire, the more it rules you...."
And my favorite one of all..."Be gentle with everyone for everyone is fighting an inner battle."
A stranger being at the right place at the right time begins Linden's journey to find himself, the meaning of life, and the realization that things aren't always as they seem. His journey takes him to many places throughout the world, allows him to meet new people that lead into important and meaningful friendships, and find out the meaning of love. His road is not always easy, with lots of problems and hardships. In the end, he realizes that what he thought he was looking for all along was not what he really wanted. He took things for granted and almost lost what he had been looking for all along.
No matter which God you believe in, this is a great story that will remind you that you will not be deserted. Whether you, like Linden, are also down on your luck, going through some of your own hardships, or just want a positive uplifting story to will find it right here, in this book! Excellent writing, excellent story line. I did read this on my Nook, downloaded from Barnes and and there were very few grammatical errors BUT Chapter 11 was missing.
A few of my favorite quotes from this book:
" Nothing in this world will bring you peace. No one can make you happy or take happiness from you. Uproot desires for anything outside yourself, and you are free..."
"Life is suffering. Suffering springs from desire. If you do not get what, you become unhappy. If you do get what you want, you are happy for a moment, but then when you lose it, you become unhappy."
"Every thought you think, word you speak, and deed you do sends ripples into the universe, like the wake a motorboat creates on a lake. The waves hit the shore and bounce back to affect you long after they were created. The more you pursue desire, the more it rules you...."
And my favorite one of all..."Be gentle with everyone for everyone is fighting an inner battle."
Trapped by Jack Kilborn
One day....that is what it took me to read this book. I just finished it about 10 minutes ago and my mind is still reeling from what I read. First book I've ever read by Jack Kilborn and if his other books are just as good as Trapped he will have a new fan. Gory, scary, frightening, spine-tingling, suspense-filled, excellent flow from one character to another (and there are a lot of them), plenty of background descriptions, no grammatical errors...just a few ways to describe Trapped! This book should be made into a movie! Now, I will tell you I read the Re-write version (his publishers didn't like the original version, didn't like the re-write either so the author published in e-book format on his own) and read it on the Kindle app on my phone and computer. The original, errors and all, was included with this e-book so sometime when I get done reading the hundreds of other books I really want to read right now I am going back to read it. Without giving anything away, I will tell you I was completely shocked with the direction certain characters took and sad when others died... As I was reading this yesterday afternoon, daylight turned into darkness and I had to pull myself away and close the curtains and turn on some lights. You will NOT be disappointed with this book at all!
The Family Bones by Kimberly Raiser
where to start... First off, I got a few chapters in and ALMOST gave up on this one but I am actually glad I didn't. The book starts off in a first person voice, told in the story line of Stephen, but then changes to the writers point of view for all of the other characters. Stephen's POV continues into the book when the story is focused on him then it just instantly changes and the rest of the book is told as a story. This was a majority of the reason I almost gave up on it. Once I really got into it I was surprised to see I was already half way done (my Nook said it was 492 pages). Second, it was a quick read, as it took less than 24 hours to finish. Now, on to the story... can you say shocked? I had no idea where it was headed and was surprised one of the "good" guys was a bad guy and the "bad" guys were actually good. It took a turn that wasn't mentioned in the description and I didn't see coming at all. It kind of reminded me of a certain movie I have seen but if I tell you which one it will kind of give away some of the suspense of the story (think family moves into strange house...weird things start happening to a certain male family member...thats it, all I can say lol). Overall it was a quick, good read and as this was the first book I have read by this author, I would be willing to try another book written by her.
Goat Dance by Douglas Clegg
Oh the suspense!!! From the first page to the last page this book is filled with it! Scary, gruesome, great story line, great characters. Yes there were spots that I was kinda freaked out to walk through a dark room ;) A few this on my Nook and it was filled with places where there was a period and should of been a comma and a handful of words that didn't fit...kinda like when you type something then go back and change the words but don't delete all of the original words first. Not enough to not read this book though. Another thing is the description makes it sound like this book is about little Teddy Amory...and it is, to an extent. The story line is centered around her but a majority of the story is about other characters, the history of the town, and the evil spreading through the town. Every few or so chapters take you back to Teddy and what is happening to her and what she is going through but I personally think the description is a little misleading. This is a wonderful frightening story and would highly recommend to anyone wanting a scare!
Cruelty To Innocents by C.K. Webb
I have typed 4 different sentences to start this review and deleted each one of them as nothing seems to be enough to describe how I felt about this one. The writing was wonderful and descriptive. The whole book played out in my mind as I was reading it like a movie....seriously! The characters are so easy to either fall in love with or hate. This is a heart-wrenching story that will really make you think and also hug your children a little tighter each day. It was fast paced but easy to follow along and not get lost. There was one surprise in the ending that I did not see coming at all and I think it added that extra "wow" factor for me. I look forward to reading more from these two authors and the
9-1-1 Abduction series!
9-1-1 Abduction series!