jofs_'s reviews
199 reviews

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

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this is a hard book to review, while I liked the books ideas and what it tries to transmit, and I enjoyed the characters journey and their evolution, I had some issues with the writing style and with some of the plot points, while the point of the book isn't really the plot, I still couldn't help but think about the logistics of some stuff and questionned some of the choices made and not made by the charachters, but since the authour doesn't try to explain everything in detail, and just gives out what you need to know about the universe so that you can get in the characters' heads, these questions will only have theories for answers.
My second bother with the plot is that it seems to try and build up to the big final reveal at the end of the book through foreshadwing but it did so much of that, that by the end of the first book, you kinda have an overall idea what it is all about, and when it's time to reveal the truth, I was almost bored.
Now, for the writing style, the whole book was meant to be as a kind of a long monologue, you are given entry to the mind and thoughts of Kathy H. submerged in her memories, she jumps from an anectode to another going on multiple tangents in each one, which I had a lot of difficulty getting used to, It made the novel seem unstructured and random and it seemed that all of the stories she is telling are an afterthought of a tangent of an anecdote she started to tell in the first chapter which, again, I hated, and it quickly became annoying and repetetif, then, as the story progressed it might have grown on me or I might have just got more involved in the plot that I didn't pay as much attention to it, the point is, it didn't bother me as much by the end of the novel.
so overall, despite feeling a bit dissapointed that the novel didn't deliver as much as i expected it to, I still found it and interesting experience and a really thought provoking book, now it's time to watch the movie ! :D
3.5/5 stars
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss

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that took me waaay too long to finish, this is definitely one of the oddest novellas I have ever read, and while I still love Rothfuss' writing and do believe he carries music within his words, I still struggled to get into the story and had to soldier through the last couple of chapters just to be done with it.
In retrospect, I have to say I still enjoyed what it offered, we got an interesting insight on the inner workings of one of the sweetest and most mysterious characters of the saga, a tiny bit of foreshadowing and a thorougher understanding of this fantastic world.
Overall: 3/5 stars