kamikazegirls's reviews
186 reviews

The Embalmer, Volume 1 by Mitsukazu Mihara, 三原ミツカズ

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3.5, interesting concept mc is kinda ick tho but im finding out why rn in the current volume
Guten Morgen, Dornröschen! 03 by Megumi Morino

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weeping sobbing crying falling to my knees rolling around on the ground biting into my pillow and shouting cracking plates over my head as i read this last chp
QQスイーパー 3 by Kyousuke Motomi

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bad bitches (me and fumi) believe wholeheartedly in the trust + strength found in friendship and the family you create (even if sometimes we do go through periods of doubt)
Queen's Quality T09 by Kyousuke Motomi

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sorry for doubting u kyousuke motomi u did a stellar job