katyjean81's reviews
1318 reviews

Lucky by Alice Sebold

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Alice Sebold has a story of survival against odds which would make many women crumble. This book saved me.
The Chamber by John Grisham

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I just saw that Juliana gave this book two stars... ridiculous. I read this book when I was eleven years old or so and it was the first "adult" book I really tried. It was the first time that I understood the grey between black and white. This book made me cry crocodile tears and snot ran down my face. I remember telling my parents that it was a terrible book because of the ending, and my Dad smiled, laughed and said, "I know. Isn't it great?"
A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore

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I thought this book was terrible.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney

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This book was great! I can totally see why so many elementary and middle school students like this. It's funny and spot on for the voice and concerns of a middle school kid.
Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork

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This was also an excellent book. I love the way Marcelo forces us to look at our world differently by watching it through his eyes. Also, I like how the book shows the way life changes you over time.