khetsia's reviews
136 reviews

Camouflage: The Hidden Lives of Autistic Women by Sarah Bargiela

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Basic info on how autism might look like in women/girls, but kinda funny to me that this book would be targeted to someone who may be on the spectrum because, in my experience, one “ND” web search alone covered way more ground than this book??
Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen E. Kirby

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Thank you jglux (and your sib) for this book I don’t know I would have otherwise ever thought to pick up.

Oof this is the book I took the most time to finish this year (will low key miss seeing it in my “currently reading” tab), but I’m really glad I waited to get me hand on a physical copy of it because it made the experience far more enjoyable (still not a kindle convert)

The review:

The stories ranged from “hahahahha, wtf was that”, “damn that was fucking sad”, “hmmm let me think about that for an extra sec” and for that I give it 3 stars for quality but 4 for entertainment -> 3,5

Overall, “Shit Cassandra Saw” was hilarious, (so, so) bittersweet, and surprisingly insightful yet realistic about womanhood:

“the women emerge as funny, angry, loud, horny, lonely, strong protagonists who refuse to be secondary characters a moment longer.”

My favourite stories were the following

A Few Normal Things That Happen a Lot”: the cockroach story was simply crazyyyy: the type of women empowerment we need to push for hehe.

Here Preached His Last: This one was so funny with the Ghost’s slut shaming and the Woman’s unhinged-ness

Mexico’s Disneyland: I loved how sweet and realistic of a first kiss story it was like which is what I needed to read as never-partnered gal:
1. idealism is often a scam when it involves real life”
2. “people will and do love you, that’s a given”
3. yes, these two statements contradict each other
Le désir by Sappho, Colette Fellous

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My love for Sappho is something I can’t express (why is it that we always have so much to say about those we dislike yet so little about those we would sacrifice our first born for…)

Amantes suivi de Le Sens Apparent et de Sous La Langue by Nicole Brossard

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Ce livre était horrible et incroyable à la fois. Amantes et le sens apparent: rien compris, mais fan du name drop d’autrices lesbiennes que je vais explorer de suite!!:

Djuna Barnes, Janes Bowles, Gertrude Stein, Natalie Barney, Michèle Causse, Marie-Claire Blais, Jovette Marchessault, Adrienne Rich, Mary Daly; Colette, Virginia, Cristina Perri Rossi, Louky Bersianik, Pol Pelletier; Maryvonne, Monique Wittig, Sande Zeig, Anna
d'Argentine, Kate Millet, Jeanne d'Arc Jutras, Marie Lafleur, Jane Rule, Renée Vivien, Romaine Brooks

« Sous la langue » était SUBLIME: quelques pages seulement qui à elle seule a valu la peine de me forcer à lire ce livre « expérimental » (pour ne pas dire, sans queue ni tête…)