krabbykath's reviews
82 reviews

Earthlings by Sayaka Murata

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a crazy disturbing story about trauma with a wonderfully written unrealiable narrator. super unsettling, but i couldn't stop reading
All This Could Be Different by Sarah Thankam Mathews

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a messy and raw depiction of new grad life. i enjoyed the middle section of this book, but also felt like this book was maybe trying to tackle too many themes at once? i also think it would've been better if it had just ended when
sneha moved to dc
— i found the last section to feel like it was trying to shove a bunch of stuff in at the last minute 
I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman

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an interesting premise. we’re left at the end with no answers in the same way that the main character lives her whole life alone and in the unknown…..and while i personally would’ve liked more plot points, i understand why the story was written like this. i didn’t feel particularly attached to any of the characters, which is why i probably didn’t resonate super strongly with the story — but it is an interesting thought-provoking piece
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney

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sally rooney's works are just 200+ pages of rambles about horrible people, and the only thing keeping me going is the fact that it's interesting to read about horrible people. i'm honestly quite fascinated in rooney's plot structures — slice of life-like, but also not quite? but also not traditional main conflict->resolution? — and somehow, she's still able to keep you interested in the storyline. i did find the prose slightly clunky in a few spots, but it was overall an intriguing read. im not rlly sure what to takeaway from it except that some people are bad people ..
The Possibilities by Yael Goldstein-Love

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i needed a fast-paced page turner like this ... i actually enjoyed reading this — the author is really good at building tension w/ short clipped sentences, and the whole deep dive into motherhood was really interesting to me. some parts felt a bit too abstract for my liking, and the overall plot did feel a bit like everything just perfectly worked out. the prose was also maybe not the most sophisticated in some areas? but it was overall enjoyable in the same way an action movie is enjoyable. VERY MUCH eeaao-esque (but less emotional/close to home lol)
Headshot by Rita Bullwinkel

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this wasn’t bad (there was definitely some language that i loved) but i found it to just be very un-engaging + hard to be invested in. i wasn’t sure why i was supposed to care for these characters + the events of the story T_T i also wasn’t a big fan of how the pov kept swapping between characters - it was just a weak attempt to do an omniscient pov
Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Miaojin

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a nice study on vignette-style writing, but the plot itself wasn't really enough to keep me invested