kristianawithak's reviews
1591 reviews

The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

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I'm glad I was warned that Subtle Knife ended in the middle of a sentence (not literally), and I'm glad I had book three right next to me. I liked Subtle Knife, and I'm excited to see how Amber Spyglass ends.
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell

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I listened to Malcolm read his book abridg-ing-ly. I liked the ideas, but it was a lot to wrap my head around while working. It is strange to see patterns in the way people think and do things. It made me want to start an epidemic of a good idea and somehow make a living that way.
Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon

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It was paced in an interesting fashion and I was able to pick up the book periodically, never feeling rushed to finish. I will definately be reading more by Chabon in the future. I'm planning on going chronologically. Mysteries of Pittsburgh was a little bit Edible Woman and a little bit Great Gatsby, and a dash of Franny and Zooey. It was good. I can't wait to see what they do with the film.
Death of a Writer by Michael Collins

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Kind of creepy, but in a good twisted literary way.