luci_qf's reviews
371 reviews

The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan

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Another great book by “Uncle Rick”, I think this series has the potential to be his best one yet so I'm really excited for the next book and I will start it as soon as I can :D

✨(Spoilery bit)✨
I really liked how Magnus isn't a child of a war god or a really powerful and famous god like Jason and
Percy, his power doesn't lay in his fighting skills and I loved how that played out in the end during the fight with Surt and Fenrir and how he used the Jack not to kill or harm but to bind Fenrir.

I also loved that we got our girl Annabeth in this book and I can't wait to see what role she will play in the next book
The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan

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I seriously hope that Rick isn't playing with me and we will actually have Percy in the next book because if we do... AHHHHH!!!

I love Alex with my whole heart and I need SOMETHING to happen between Magnus and Alex, pleaseeee
The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan

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4.5 ✨

Great conclusion to a great series, I love how we got more queer characters in the Riordan-verse and I will probably read the companion novella later today.

✨ (Spoielry bit) ✨

This book made my fierrochase heart so happy, I love them so much
9 from the Nine Worlds by Rick Riordan

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I love that we always get a companion novel after each series, I think my favourite short story was the one with TJ
The Selection by Kiera Cass

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3.5 ✨

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book, I was expecting something like a romance with no plot and an annoying love triangle but I actually really liked the whole idea of this new "world".

It felt like reading a less gory more fluffy version of the hunger games with Gavril Fadaye being similar to Caesar Flickerman, America (I hate her name lol) having some similar personality traits as Katniss and the whole secondary plot of the rebels and the post-apocalyptic society playing their own part in the story.

Another similar thing between these two books was how the people are divided into sections or levels which determine their way of life, in the HG we have the Districts and here we have the Castes so I find that interesting (idk which book came out first but I like the two ideas).

I will continue the series and I'm excited to know who will America pick
The Elite by Kiera Cass

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Soooo that was a rollercoaster...

I'm so annoyed at America, I understand that her choices aren't so easy to make but omg she needs to get her priorities straight!

✨(Spoilery bit)✨
I was not expecting what happened with Marlee after the party and it was so awful cause it gave me a whole new perspective on Maxon so I pretty much hated him after that but then he did a one-eighty when he helped Marlee and Carter stay at the palace and helped them get married and everything was fine until he had to go and be all slutty with Celeste but then he and America got trapped together at the safe room and my feeling changed again so what I'm basically trying to say is that this is so fricking exhausting lol.

Another thing that annoyed me was how America had the nerve to do a whole presentation about deleting the Caste system but when asked what would happen afterwards she says "I don't know" !.?!*!!! like you can't just go around destroying governments and don't have an idea of what comes afterwards and it was so stupid and idiotic of her to showcase the dairy to a whole nation when she had promised to keep it a secret (and especially with something of this magnitude, with something that a whole nation is built upon).

I will of course continue this series because it is too addictive to stop but AGH

(Also I f***ing hate the king he is scary, mean and abusive)
The One by Kiera Cass

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3.5/4 ✨

This is my favourite so far, I think I liked this one more because we got more of the rebel plot which I really appreciated as that is what I was liking the most.
I know the next books are set some years in the future so Idk what to expect.

✨(Spoilery bit)✨
Finally, she chose, I'm glad she chose you know who because that whole dynamic was very stressful (I don't think I vibe with love triangles).

I liked that there was some more "action" in this book compared to all the fluffiness from the others and I hope the whole political plot gets explored furthermore in the next books.
The Favorite by Kiera Cass

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Marlee and Carter SUPREMACY

(I would rather have a series abt them but oh well)