mahamreads's reviews
353 reviews

The Lagos Wife by Vanessa Walters

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 3%.
just not in the mood
Just Like Mother by Anne Heltzel

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how do i even begin to review this book? for starters it completely ruined my sleep schedule because I stayed up till 6 am reading it because i just could not put it down!!

Just Like Mother tells the story of Maeve, who grew up in a cult known as the Mother collective until being saved from it when she was around 10 years old. Flash forward to 23 years later and she’s living in NYC in a job that doesn’t pay enough, in a relationship-not-relationship with a man she won’t ever love. Maeve keeps thinking about her cousin, Andrea, who she lost contact with after the cult was caught and, by some stroke of luck, she ends up finding her on a DNA website. 

Andrea and Maeve quickly get to making up for lost time and become close again, so much so that when Maeve loses her job she moves in with Andrea and her wonderful husband, Rob. However, appearances are often deceiving and the longer Maeve spends in the house the more she becomes increasingly suspicious of what Andrea and Rob are upto. 

Even though this book was slightly predictable, i didn’t even mind because the suspense was so wonderfully written and the characters were so fleshed out. 200% recommended! 
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

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absolutely in awe of britney’s strength and resilience 🤍