mapscitiesandsongs's reviews
926 reviews

The Ghostlights by Gráinne Murphy

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
I kept waiting for something to happen, but nothing. I genuinely was bored the entire time I was reading this and had trouble picking the book back up. I essentially didn't like a single thing about this book. Neither the characters, the "plot" nor the writing. I tried pushing through because of the positive reviews but couldn't.
The Short Knife by Elen Caldecott

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 34%.
I‘ve had this book on my tbr for literal years because I love everything about this time period. Sadly I had to throw in the towel pretty early on. The main reason why is that I didn’t like a single character which is important to me in a book. I also dreaded picking the book back up and I am not willing to read myself into a reading slump again. Another thing that made me decide to drop it is the constant threat of sexual violence. I get it, it‘s due to the time period and it‘s realistic. It was just a bit too much for me personally to have it constantly hanging over the characters head. All in all this is absolutely not a bad book and I can see why people like this. It just wasn‘t for me. 
The Gin Sisters' Promise by Faith Hogan

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Started off good, but then fell off. All in all the conclusion was a bit too easy for me. I personally feel like that the ultimate showdown between the sisters, that we have been working towards for the whole book, was quite underwhelming. I also had a hard time with Nola ngl. Everytime the plot switched to her side of the story I could feel my brain wandering off, because I genuinely didn't care about her. This one is definitely my least favourite Faith Hogan book so far. 

I will say though that the characterisation of the other two sisters Georgie and Iris was really well done. I could empathise with both of them. They actually felt like real people. 
The Guest House by the Sea by Faith Hogan

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Another lovely read! I really enjoyed seeing all these different women on their individual journeys, but also the sense of community they built while in the guest house. The only thing that slightly bothered me was Niamh's journey. First of all, i had a bit of a hard time feeling sorry for her. I personally know a few people that have cheated and I despise it with every fibre of my being. Secondly, her journey was too good to be true. I know this is the point of these stories, but the other stories felt so much more natural than this one. The ending of her journey didn't really fit the pace imo. It all happened so fast and I was left feeling dissatisfied. It felt like the author included too many characters and therefore some of the stories felt rushed. 
Old Girls Behaving Badly by Kate Galley

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Kate Galley gets better and better with every release. I already liked her first two novels, but this one is definitely my favourite. I loved everything about. I adored the characters and was quite sad when Gina's and Dorothy's adventure came to an end and I had to say goodbye to these characters. The author is really great at writing "strong female characters" without using the usual tropes. It all felt so natural. Especially Gina's journey of coming out of her shell was really heartwarming and well done. I think you can really feel that the author puts great care and love into her work. It definitely shows.

I had a marvellous time and can't wait for what Kate Galley is up to next.