maryska's reviews
579 reviews

Andromache by Euripides

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 I'm amazed!

This play undoubtedly deserves way more recognition.

Wrong they are who might think it primarily deals with some female bickering. The overall layout? So elaborated! I assume it must have been conceived as a kind of an experiment. Not only in the structure, but also the rawness, harshness, even vulgarity and naked ugliness of the lifelike tragedy, which I'd never come upon before in such deepness. Moreover, let's bring up the even dynamic, tension, emotion, gasping, grandeur.

I usually shy away from comparing, but this piece in particular throws me back to Aeschylus' plays. Here as well as there I could nearly touch the tangible suspense, thick and heavy quiet that I could be as well pulled into and envision the movements of each persona and the chorus.