mckaylakatharine's reviews
129 reviews

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

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- written from a very privileged, Christian, and ignorant point of view, seems aware/open minded for the most part
- worst part: claims that you are responsible for your own happiness, fails to consider privilege
- some good take aways
- biggest take away: keep promises to self, wouldn’t stand for it if others continuously broke promises
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren

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‪- friendship goals ‬
‪- boring at times‬
‪- lighthearted and fun‬
‪- awkward bloody sex scene ‬
‪- epilogue was too detailed ‬
Educated by Tara Westover

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- very interesting/fascinating
- boring at times
- so frustrating and upsetting
- we must stan Tyler, Tara, and Angie
Breaking Free: How I Escaped Polygamy, the FLDS Cult, and My Father, Warren Jeffs by Rachel Jeffs

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- very interesting
- very gross and upsetting
- I can’t believe how brainwashed/ignorant some people are
- fuck Warren Jeffs
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

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‪- why do people like this book so much?‬
‪- boring and slow for the most part‬
‪- very clever‬
‪- not bad but not good‬
The Girls by Emma Cline

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- what was the point of the real time chapters?? They were boring and useless
- I feel like nothing happened??
- interesting
- love the concept
- not detailed enough, no depth
Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick

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‪- fun and easy for the most part ‬
‪- weird and confusing chapter order‬
‪- boring at times ‬
‪- interesting ‬
‪- only read if you really really really like Anna Kendrick ‬
Marlena by Julie Buntin

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‪- characters are easy to connect to and well established ‬
‪- relatable‬
‪- simple yet enticing ‬
‪- this book cannot be properly condensed into a review‬
Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake

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- made me SO angry
- made my heart hurt
- fuck anyone who doesn’t believe the victim
- empowering