mckaylakatharine's reviews
129 reviews

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

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This book was just not good.

I found the entire novel very lacklustre and dull. The story was very slow, it started to pick up around the 70% mark but even when it did get better it still wasn’t great.
I was not able to connect to the story or the characters. The characters were so unlikable, I liked Hannah and Olivia but that’s it, all the other people were annoying and rude.
The murder happened at the very end of the book, I wish it had happened a little earlier so we could see more of the aftermath but the person died, we found out who killed them, and then the book basically ended there.
When I read the description of the book I didn’t think it sounded that great, in fact, I remember disliking it. But the book was so hyped and I heard so many good things about it that I decided to listen to the audiobook and I was so disappointed.

Twitter Review

- slow and boring
- unlikable characters except Olivia and Hannah
- very dull
- I wish the murder happened earlier so we could see the aftermath
- way over hyped
Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals by Rachel Hollis

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I definitely did not have high hopes for this book, especially after disliking girl wash your face. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed this book a lot. Rachel radiates fun vibes and gives a lot of good advice. I found it very motivational. Rachel makes me feel safe, she feels like home (if that even makes sense). I think I will buy the physical book so I can underline some of the advice. I don’t really have anything bad to say. Definitely recommend giving it a read if you are interested.

Twitter Review

- fun vibe
- good advice
- motivational
- Rachel makes me feel safe
Watching You by Lisa Jewell

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The first Lisa Jewell novel I read was Then She Was Gone, instantly I knew that Lisa Jewell would be one of my favourite authors and I’d love her books, I felt like I could trust her writing. Unfortunately, this novel did not hold true to my original hypothesis.

Don’t get me wrong, this novel was very good but it wasn’t good enough. This novel was better than a lot of books I’ve read but just not up to my standards for Lisa Jewell.

The story was hard to connect to, there were many different storylines which resulted in lack of detail and connection. There were a lot of main characters and majority of them were dull and unlikable.

The actual story was interesting but I wish it went further. There was nothing about the novel that made me excited to continue reading, I didn’t care if I finished the book tomorrow or next year. I was expecting so much more.

Twitter Review:

- dull unlikable characters
- hard to connect to literally anything
- nothing special but definitely a solid read
- great ending (the letter and epilogue!!)
- wish it went into more detail
- I love Lisa Jewell’s writing style
Normal People by Sally Rooney

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I have basically nothing to say about this book because nothing happened, it’s like I didn’t even read it. It’s boring and there’s basically no plot. The characters were annoying and unlikeable for the most part. This book is very forgettable. I do not understand the hype at all, I do not know how people like this book. The only attractive thing about the novel is that nothing really crazy happened so it’s realistic and relatable in a sense but so not what I want to read.

Twitter Review:
- boring and mediocre
- nothing happened????
- all the characters were unlikeable
- forgettable
- I do not understand the hype AT ALL
Be Straight with Me by Emily Dalton

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While listening to the audiobook I continuously asked myself what is the point of this book? Now, I finished the book and I’m still wondering what the purpose was.

This memoir was not very good and it felt like there was no lesson or purpose. I understand what the purpose was meant to be but it was not obvious enough nor was it really expanded on. I do not think the story told is deserving of its own book. It is not interesting and it felt like a waste of time.

Twitter Review:
- very meh
- what was the purpose???
- I just don’t care at all

I did receive this audiobook from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
The Switch by Beth O'Leary

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I liked this novel but I do not think it is anything to write home about. If you are interested in it give it a go, but if you aren’t skip it.

The story definitely had good vibes and was fun to listen to. It is a feel good story, which I love. The actual story could have been taken a step further, there was not much depth to it so it was hard to connect to. At times the book was very slow and boring but if you can get past that, it’s worth it.
The characters brought the story to life, there are so many interesting characters in the novel and it is easy to connect to them.

Overall, I enjoyed the book but it’s not something I will think about again. I’m interested to look into the authors other books and hope they have more depth.

Twitter Review:

- feel good story
- loveable characters
- slow and boring at some points
- pretty good but not great
- I wish the story was more connectable, I think it could have been taken a little further
- worth a read if interested

I did receive this audiobook from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Cathy's Christmas Kitchen by Tilly Tennant

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I enjoyed this novel but it was nothing special. The story was interesting and kept my attention but it felt very flat, not much happened in the book and I feel as though there was no real climax. Another criticism I have is that the description of the book was very different and not accurate to the novel. I mainly enjoyed the book because of the heartwarming and feel good vibes.

Twitter review:

- the description was way off
- felt very flat, nothing really happened
- was a heartwarming feel good story

I did receive this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Crowned A Traitor by Kate Callaghan

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I really loved this book and was very upset once I finished it. The plot was interesting and very easy to connect to, as were the characters. I did not lose interest at all while reading and found myself cheering for the characters (Klara is a total badass).

My one critique is that I wish the world, history, and characters were more established. The novel jumped right into plot and failed to set up the novel in the way I hoped. Although this did not negatively affect the plot, I do believe that the novel would have been enhanced if the author spent more time at the beginning really painting a picture of the world. I hope the sequel explores the history of the worlds more.

Overall, I am very impressed with this novel and the author. I tagged the author in my instagram story, she dmed me and was super sweet. I am happy to continue to support Kate and the Hellish series.

Twitter review:

- very interesting
- easy to connect to
- wish the history/world/characters were more established, it jumped right into the plot (did not affect the book negatively but would have enhanced it)
- I’m sad it’s over

I did receive this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.