michael_k's reviews
734 reviews

Το παιχνίδι του αγγέλου by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

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It was even better than the shadow of the wind. Supernatural is present but in a very elegant way that adds to the plot rather than providing clumsy shortcuts.

Greek readers beware!
Do NOT read thr greek edition's prologue. It contains spoilers!
Ο ταξιδευτής των μαθηματικών: Η εξερεύνηση της εντυπωσιακής των αριθμών by Calvin C. Clawson

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It is well researched and clearly written, presenting complex ideas in a very natural way. It can also double as reference for those who want a short and simple history of mathematics.The narrative is flowing butI wouldn 't call it grasping.
Η Παναγιά της θάλασσας by Ildefonso Falcones

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It's a very well written book, the story keeps flowing and takes some really sudden turns. It's full of colourful details about the everyday lives of people of this era and all in all is a very good story of medieval Barcelona through the personal story of a person.