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michaelgreenreads's reviews
406 reviews
Boys Weekend by Mattie Lubchansky
I didn’t expect to feel neutral after reading an apocalyptic trans-affirming horror/satire. But here I am! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It took on too many concepts and didn’t feel cohesive as a whole.
Mob Psycho 100 Vol. 1 by ONE
The art is horrendous, but god, the writing is funny in a way many more polished manga would never be able to capture! Mob’s sudden decision to join the body improvement club is hilarious. My heart is here for this messy book.
Gold Mask by Edogawa Rampo
This novel single handedly got me out of my Summer reading slump. Very cool to have an entire novel putting a young Japanese detective vs France’s superstar criminal, Lupin. Golden masks give me chills after this novel.
Case Closed, Vol. 4 by Gosho Aoyama
These mysteries still capture the magic of Saturday morning cartoons. I enjoy the main character being stuck in a child’s body, I enjoy the suspicious characters being found out. What more can you ask for?
Case Closed, Vol. 3 by Gosho Aoyama
A book to take my mind off things! I love closed room mysteries. (OKAY I AM BIASED AS A DAD BUT I AM GLAD THE SECOND STORY ENDED WITHOUT JAIL.)
Pageboy by Elliot Page
A fascinating book from a really cool person. Thank you to my wife for getting this into my hands. A very sad memoir, but Tay always reminded me to appreciate the spicy and bright bits!
The Late Americans by Brandon Taylor
The book feels like a classic; the characterization so nuanced, so sturdy. But don’t let me dissuade you into thinking it is dry; there are plenty of scenes filled with artist gossip, sex, and existential thoughts about art. (But why is everyone is so mean after sex in here!! 😔) Thankful for the moments of relief in the book, sad to be leaving this challenging group of people from Ohio behind.
Elena Knows by Claudia Piñeiro
The writing is phenomenal. Charco Press always translates the most thoughtful, captivating books. An elderly Argentinian woman with Parkinston’s sets out to solve her daughter’s murder. Loved the writing. Made me think about disability a lot. Did NOT see Rita’s past actions coming. God. 🥺
Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee
RIDICULOUSLY GOOD WRITING. Honestly, a perfect novella! I felt this book come ALIVE, it is bursting with atmosphere and control. I am a big fan of Darius. I am a HUGE fan of all the massive birds and the culture around them. The first manticore kill had me gasping!!
Stay True by Hua Hsu
NO WONDER THIS WON THE PULITZER. The author has mastered the grounded, nostalgic tone; I was missing times, friends, and cities I had never seen. 😅 This book is the best “university is a beautiful moment” memoir I have read in a long time.