michieknee's reviews
382 reviews

The Waiting Sky by Lara Zielin

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3 stars, or an F3 on the Fujita scale, if you prefer.

There's nothing about The Waiting Sky that sticks out as wrong to me. Zielin writes Jane in a strong narrative voice and her character develops in a way that feels natural. Jane's frustrations are understandable and even when she dips into unlikable territory she still manages to hold my sympathy.

I think where my issues lie is in the novel's length. Waiting Sky stands on the shorter side and as a result the resolution to me feels rushed. Length also affected my feelings toward the romance which from my perspective moved too quickly even while I found it charming.

All this aside, The Waiting Sky was enjoyable and there's nothing here that would stop me from picking up another book my Lara Zielen.
Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here by Anna Breslaw

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You know those books that aren't exactly bad or terrible and are maybe even good from an objective standpoint but you still really dislike them anyway?
Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols

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My opinion on this book is about as back and forth as its main love interest who flipped from cute to jerk like a birdie in a game of badminton. The drama was laid on so thick it pushed the character interactions into cartoon-ish places. By the end I wanted Bailey to just get away from everyone instead of the supposedly happy ending she received. Bleh. You guys need therapy, not romance.