I read this book because I watched the musical. The book is very different but it's not that bad. I have read reviews where this book gets hate for some things it says and that's understandable but the plot and the characters and the emotion and the way the squip talks to Jeremy is just so good that I rated this book 4.5 stars. The afterword is also really nice.
Really good. Nice plot twist at the end, I got a bit confused but then I realised what it meant (kind of wasn't a plot twist but idk). Nice book, I heard about this book alot that it's a good psychological horror. It is. Nice and short too, just my type of book. I also like how realistic this was, I would probably do that too. Also it was very funny at times (not sure if it was supposed to be but things like "I bit off a little piece at one corner - but it hurt my teeth. " and " There is a delicious garden!" made me chuckle a bit).
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
So good. I read this because I love the Zelda games and the book is really nice. It's like playing the game without the frustration of dying so much. I am probably going to read all of this series.
It was very good and very funny I really liked it. I read this book because I watched the animated version on Netflix and I liked it and this is pretty much the same thing.
It was such a good book. Perfect amount of gore, which is a lot. Amazing stories, I especially loved the first one. Nice plot twist. I recommend this book for fans of horror even if you're not even that into warhammer.