mossy_bookworm's reviews
179 reviews

Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum

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I really enjoyed this book! I loved seeing Jessie progress through her completely new life in California! From her relationship elapsing with Somebody Nobody, to her adapting and learning from her newly found environment. One of my favorite parts was her return back home, and how relatable Scar and Jessie's remeeting was. Definitely worth plowing through;)
The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness

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I completely enjoyed this book! The only reason it isn't getting five stars is due to the exclusive story in the back. I didn't really enjoy that story as much, I simply felt..meh towards the situation at hand. However, the book overall was out of this world! In a nutshell, this book is the wondrous character development of both Todd and Viola with riveting action in every corner. It flowed nicely, and Ness did an outstanding job working with the Duo POV! Their voices were distinct enough to understand how differently both of their minds work. Looking forward to the next, and final composition of the Chaos Walking Series!
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

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This book was an amazing way to kickstart my way out of a reading slump! This story was captivating since the first page. I loved the little drawings and definitions within the pages. The only thing that I felt uneasy about was the ending, cause I mean it wasn't terrible but it felt a bit too....easy? I'm still unsure. Nonetheless it definitely lived up to the hype attached to it.
The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

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I'm so glad I read this right after "Everything, Everything" because I was immediately pulled back into Yoon's marvelous atmosphere full of fate and whether it truly exists! I could definitely differentiate between Natasha and Daniel's POV, they we're both very intricate and real individuals. Once again, Yoon has successfully caught my heart strings one by one. My favorite parts almost seemed to be the 'in-between' pages where someone/something else's POV would be intertwined into the primary story proving life's curious ways of working! I highly enjoyed reading from two culturally different characters, and how they're everyday lives compared to each other and the rest of the world. The ending, simply said, gave me a sense of hope and yearning for these two outstanding protagonists.
Wide Awake by David Levithan

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This book took me such a long time to plow through! Yes, I was jam packed with school, but I just never had the feeling of wanting to never let it go. This book is a clear 3.5 for me because it was pretty predictable, sadly there was little to no character development and the plot seemed to be too fluid(?) I love Levithan's work but this was sadly not too good.
Sweetness and Lightning, Volume 1 by Gido Amagakure

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This has officially become the first manga that I've ever owned and I'm glad it is ! This is a very slice of life type of story that is so sweet that you might just get a toothache! This is the calm little story of a newly widowed dad and his young daughter on their journey to cope with their loss, get closer as a family and learn how to cook.
Very easy too read and worth a while !
The Amazing Book is Not on Fire by Daniel Howell

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I honestly don't know what to say about this other than this is an AMAZING BOOK ;) No, but really, this is a great way to feel even more immersed in Dan and Phil's world!! I listened to the audiobook because I couldn't afford to buy the hardcopy (as of now), but since audible was having the free trial for like a month thing I decided to give it a try. This was the greatest decision I've ever taken, audiobook wise, because I was immediately hooked on their great voices, relatable stories and witty banter. The only thing that was bothersome was, of course, the pictures (them being a big part of the book) however it didn't take away from the experience as much as you'd expect. I would recommend this to any Dan and Phil fan who wants to have dnp read aloud to them, for someone in a situation as mine or someone wanting to get to know these wonderful two youtubers who just happen to be *best friends. I will definitely re-listen to it once I'm able to get the book. (:

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

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I really enjoyed this book! Though, it felt slow at times, it has a very heart warming story with a sweet message: choose kind ! Wasn't as heart wrenching as I expected(?) but it is a middle grade book that I believe every middle schooler or anyone should read.