Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Incredible to think this is a debut novel.
A delicious mix of spicy and sweet, with well developed characters. I really enjoyed the authors emphasis on consent in a physical relationship - the dialogue around it added to the tension in the scenes, rather than taking away from it.
Harrowing, heart breaking, achingly realistic - Breaker is not for the faint of heart.
Exploring the difficulties that Veterans have to navigate after returning from the horror of the war front, and the pain of those left behind, this book will rip your heart out.
Though Kit made some silly choices - those of youth and idiocy, you just want to wrap him in a warm blanket and take away his pain. Cash lives up to his reputation as a Grade A AHole and I did want to *violence* him several times.
Of course, Ned and the kids don’t deserve what they were handed either, so you feel a lot of compassion for her plight too.
Please, read the trigger warnings and think about your mental situation before reading.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
The sweet continuation of the Grimm Sinners MC series, Andrey starts with a time overlap with Reaper (previous book on series) and we find out how Nicole ended up locked in the basement.
Sitting firmly in the instalove trope, Nicole and Andrey make a sweet couple with a good amount if spice. A surprising twist from Nicole adds depth to the character, and we finally find out just what happens to Topper.
A relatively short read, Andrey is a sweet and dynamic story.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
A beautiful story to finish an incredible series.
Freedom Ride sees Snappers release from jail and his reintegration into club life. At the same time, he’s prison pen pal (and cellmate’s sister) finally gets to met the man behind the letters.
Winter Traver’s manages to write incredibly endearing characters with human flaws, and inhuman levels of sass.
I’m so sad to see the close of Devil’s Knights. I have been addicted since “Lo”. Maybe Hero’s kid can take over? Gen 3 please Winter?
If you enjoy your Mc Romance with a side if Paranormal, you will love the Devil’s Murder Mc series.
Hawk is the third book in the series, but could be read as a stand alone due to the overlap of storylines. The way this is written does slow down the story for readers reading the series in order, but does allow for new readers to join anywhere they like.
The pace picks up around the half way point of the book, then we get the instalove, he falls first vibes.
Cameos from the Royal Bastards Mc are always a treat (Rael!) and spicy scenes as only Nikki Landis can deliver. A very enjoyable quick read.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Ink is a fast passed novella, opening the world of A Los Diablos MC.
If you enjoy MC Romance with a strong capable heroine and an alpha, possesive hero (who can be a grumpy jerk) with a backdrop of small town Mexico - this series is perfect for you.
Reminiscent of Mayans MC, there is a lot to recommend this series. There are some scenes that may trigger some readers, so please pay attention to the trigger warnings.
Can a somewhat cracked biker gain the love of an abused woman, pregnant with her fifth child… after he stalks her?
If this premise worries you… I get it. I was uncertain… but this really works. The MMC is aware that he is acting strangely, his friends think he has lost the plot, at first the FMC is frightened and wary.
Again, Bijou Hunter treats past trauma and it’s side effects with authenticity and insight. The psychological impacts of abuse and betrayal are explored, as well as how the MMC has to change his approach - less steam roller, more gentle. It’s a different dynamic to see in a MC Romance and I really enjoyed it.
The second in the Kings of Camelot duet, The Rise of Avalon is a Dystopian Fantasy MMF - mixing Authorian Legend with a future Earth where the human populace has lost the ability to procreate.
I love the use of Dystopia to explore the issues of society today - something that D Williams uses very well here. The twist to why the humans act the way they do is an unexpected twist!
The spice is smoking hot in this series. Thur, Jordy and Lance are intense and just delicious.
I’m looking forward to Percy & Emily’s story - as well as Bors!! At this stage, D Williams is taking a break from these stories *sad face* but thankfully she has other wonderful series to keep me busy while I wait!