Oh, where to begin... This book has so much potential, but it's so bogged down by the slow pace, long monologues, constant singing and general lack of action! I'd say it's 30% talk, 30% descriptions of scenery, 20% singing and 10% action. This has given me a whole new appreciation for Peter Jackson's film, as he really saw the potential of the book!
I like world building in a book, and this is built very well, but perhaps too well. There are too many instances of characters monologuing about history and geography; I wish Tolkien thought of a more inventive way of getting this information across.
There is SO much talk, and the actual exciting scenes last such a small length of time, before it's back to the talking. I'm convinced this book could easily have been cut down to half the length; we need an abridged version of the trilogy!
It's a good idea, but it really just isn't completely "my thing". I have to give it a 3.25 - and honestly the songs REALLY bring the rating down.
I had this book as a child, and I decided to reread it now that I'm a commercial archaeologist. This book is from 2000, so obviously it's now a bit dated, as we rely on technology a lot more now. But this book is an interesting footnote in that in-between period where GPS had only just come about.
The book is fine, some parts are more history than archaeology, but they are intertwined, so it's all interesting.
It's funny how some things never change, like archaeologists earning next to nothing in terms of a wage.
It's hard to rate a book that isn't aimed at my age, naturally. I had loads of these books when I was younger, but I'm unsure how many of them I actually read.
All I can say is, the author really hates teachers and fat women. Basically the only thing that was written about Mary II and Anne was how fat they were. Is that really the best the author can do?
Overall, I didn't learn that much, and the chronology of the era is all over the place. It was okay, but I'll stick to my actual restoration era history books.
This was my 15th book finished in 2024. I've seen the 2005 film, and most recently the "origin story", but never read the book.
There are such mixed messages in this book... Wow, Roald Dahl sure hates fat people, especially fat children Fat people bad, but as outlined in the beginning of the book, Charlie's selflessness is good. But then Charlie's greed when buying two chocolate bars instead of giving his family the money is what makes him win the ticket. So what's meant to be the message here, Roald? Is greediness good under certain circumstances?
According to Wonka, nothing is better than chocolate! Unless you're fat. "Don't indulge in too much because it will make you fat and then you'll be sucked into a tube and punished. Oh but then I have said I'll give you a lifetime supply of chocolate when you win".
Also for most of the children, their bad behaviour is explained by the way their parents brought them up. But Mr Wonka will punish the children for it.
Some of the play on words in the book were amusing, and Mr Wonka can be funny sometimes, but he just gaslights everyone throughout. I assume you're supposed to like his character, but I didn't. And I don't understand why he liked Charlie so much? That boy has zero personality and basically didn't say a single thing in the factory.
Remember kids, Roald Dahl says you're a bad person if you're fat, if you chew gum, if you're spoiled (fair, but the parents are to blame), and if you watch TV! A very dated message from a middle aged man in the 1960s who didn't want to change with the times. Boomers love defending Dahl, but the book really is getting a bit dated sixty years after publication.
The TV chapter was the most annoying of all... yes yes we get it, TV "rots your brain". We've been hearing that nonsense for three generations now. We'll be fine, get over it Roald.
On a last note (the elephant in the room), the Oompa-Loompa songs got very annoying very quickly. Not to mention the horrid colonial undertones of enslaving African pygmies and making them work in your factory for a pittance of cacao beans. Icky.
I give it a 3.25 because it was clever and amusing in places, but I didn't enjoy the dated undertones and mixed messages.
I've watched the series before, but it was such a long time ago that I couldn't really remember what happened. I read "Full Circle" last year, but I felt this book engaged me a little more, for a reason I don't know.
This has gone from modern to dated, and now 35 years later, to an interesting snapshot of travel life in the late 80s - a world before my time.
Not an awful lot happens (as such) in the book, but Palin is a very engaging and enjoyable writer. I'll definitely read the others in the set.
To start with, I want to say that I did like the contents of the book, but I didn't like the style of it.
I found the author frequently used the longest and most convoluted way of framing a question or a sentence. This was very hard to engage with at times, and caused me to not follow on occasions.
One thing that I found a little off-putting was the way the author uses a lot of lengthy quotes, instead of incorporating them into a paragraph to explain the point he's making.
I do have a fair amount of background knowledge on the restoration era and the monarchs either side of James II, and that helped a lot. I think one would struggle a bit without that knowledge, as the author doesn't do much to explain details of historical events before and after James' reign.
This was a great book; incredibly engaging and interesting. I'm glad it was written by a woman from a woman's perspective.
So I was quite surprised to read that Victoria was actually pretty bad at what she did. The public view of her has always been wrong! Very interesting to read about her relationship with Albert... It wasn't all roses.
A great, albeit brief look at her long life. How different things were from the start to the end of her reign.
I watched the show a few years ago, and wasn't too impressed with it. But by this point, I really can't remember what happened, nor do I remember who everyone is and their specific characterisations. It frustrated me so much that the book does nothing to tell the viewer these things. Do they expect me to rewatch the whole series before reading? I'm not going to do that. Just SOMETHING to remind the reader who they are and what their relationships are, and what they did in the series. I would have followed the story so much more easily.
It took so much strength to keep my nose in the book and read on. It was all just so... Dull! This is my first YA book, and I think I've definitely decided it's not the genre for me.
Four fifths of the book were absolutely full of painful similies. Seriously, every other sentence contains a similie. That, and unconvincing, boring and cringy conversations make up the majority of it.
The last fifth of the book was the best part. Interesting and emotional. I just wish I didn't have to read 200 pages before getting to an exciting part.
I really struggled to stay on this one. I don't know whether that says more about me or the author's writing. I think he did it well, but I just wasn't very engaged.
Well at least I know a thing or two more about a monarch I'd barely even heard of before. Funny how you never hear about Edward IV in passing English history.