Like a Buñuel film but - eventually - the violence and horror becomes more explicit and real and very unsettling (inevitably maybe given the subject matter).
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Overall I liked this and I even liked how half clunky the explanation was - that had an authentic flavour of locked room puzzles. But I wish the clues had been more evenly distributed and - and maybe this isn’t a bad thing - you think about the whole thing for one moment and it’s ridiculous! If the writing had been a little richer, it would have been much more evocative and atmospheric. And times it, in good and bad ways, reminded me of a point and click computer game.
This book slowly and steadily won me over. There’s a literal shaggy dog in it but that doesn’t turn up till about 2/3 of the way thru so it’s not *her* story. Reminded me a lot of The Man In The High Castle in a nice way. There are perhaps a lot of loose ends and wrong turns, perhaps to hide the single thread of actual plot but by the end I was on with that. Good last lines.
Hard to brief about this book. At times I found its seriousness captivating and could get really lost in it. Despite how hard I found it to relate to a protagonist with *quite* that degree of self possession (I preferred the company of the more partials failure friend). It was mostly humourless, apart from some rather arch passages about New Zealand in the closing chapters. I liked it a lot but I have to read something vulgar and raucous next to get rid of the good taste in my mouth.
There is an interesting sequence when two characters go to a boxing match that has enough detail to be of historical interest and the final sequence set at a horrible week in the country is good but the book is marred by anti semitism and misogyny.