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526 reviews
Ours by Adrindia Ryandisza
This is what healthy marriage looks like, ladies and gentlemen, please take some notes.
Also, I stan bapaknya Andi :)
Also, I stan bapaknya Andi :)
Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
Actual rating: 3.5 ⭐
Mixed feelings on this one. Will be much better if it was 150 pages shorter.
Mixed feelings on this one. Will be much better if it was 150 pages shorter.
The New Girl by Jesse Q. Sutanto
Trigger warnings: racism, bullying, drug abuse, overdose, murder, death, violence.
After getting her hands on a scholarship, Lia is determined to live her life as it should be: be a straight-A student, be the fastest runner at the track, be someone who is wanted by Stanford, and have a bright future. But behind all the lights and sparkles of Draycott Academy, something rotten is happening, and it take its toll on Lia. But before she could even do something to find out, a girl is found dead, and Lia is getting all tangled up in the mess.
Compared to 'The Obsession', which also took place at Draycott Academy, 'The New Girl' has a slightly lighter ambience. No stalking, no obsessive boyfriend, but the bullying is never a light subject to read, even if it's only limited to the verbal form. I like how Sutanto depicted how rotten those spoiled brats at Draycott and how rich people often looked down on paupers, and I like how Lia's anxieties upon meeting and facing her new schoolmates described. It was easy to sympathize with her until the end, even though she's not that one Mary-Sue-always-holy-and-right type of a character.
What else I love about this book is its humor. Jesse Q. Sutanto's humors has always been a little bit dry, with some sarcastic and sassy tone, which totally match my style. And because it was told in first point of view, it feels like I have Lia as a friend whose jokes I totally get.
But even if I like this book, I can't help but feel that the story is soooo messy. The cases and mysteries were connected in one another, but at the same time, they didn't feel connected at all. There's too much things going on in just one book and it seemed like Sutanto was confused on where to put her main focus, and that left some things unexplained even after the ending.
1. DD App is supposed to be anonymous, but how does everyone knows that @TrackQueen is Mandy?
2. What has become of the stray shoelaces found in Werner's car? It's a big piece of evidence, but why does the cops seems to overlooked it? If only it was made as a series, it would be better, I guess.
Thrilling? Quite. Entertaining? Yes. Memorable? Not really.
Nevertheless, will still be waiting for more mystery/thriller from one of my favorite author.
After getting her hands on a scholarship, Lia is determined to live her life as it should be: be a straight-A student, be the fastest runner at the track, be someone who is wanted by Stanford, and have a bright future. But behind all the lights and sparkles of Draycott Academy, something rotten is happening, and it take its toll on Lia. But before she could even do something to find out, a girl is found dead, and Lia is getting all tangled up in the mess.
Compared to 'The Obsession', which also took place at Draycott Academy, 'The New Girl' has a slightly lighter ambience. No stalking, no obsessive boyfriend, but the bullying is never a light subject to read, even if it's only limited to the verbal form. I like how Sutanto depicted how rotten those spoiled brats at Draycott and how rich people often looked down on paupers, and I like how Lia's anxieties upon meeting and facing her new schoolmates described. It was easy to sympathize with her until the end, even though she's not that one Mary-Sue-always-holy-and-right type of a character.
What else I love about this book is its humor. Jesse Q. Sutanto's humors has always been a little bit dry, with some sarcastic and sassy tone, which totally match my style. And because it was told in first point of view, it feels like I have Lia as a friend whose jokes I totally get.
But even if I like this book, I can't help but feel that the story is soooo messy. The cases and mysteries were connected in one another, but at the same time, they didn't feel connected at all. There's too much things going on in just one book and it seemed like Sutanto was confused on where to put her main focus, and that left some things unexplained even after the ending.
Like:1. DD App is supposed to be anonymous, but how does everyone knows that @TrackQueen is Mandy?
2. What has become of the stray shoelaces found in Werner's car? It's a big piece of evidence, but why does the cops seems to overlooked it?
Thrilling? Quite. Entertaining? Yes. Memorable? Not really.
Nevertheless, will still be waiting for more mystery/thriller from one of my favorite author.
Muslihat Berlian by Tsugaeda
Actual rating: 4.5
Demi bisa menggaet hati wanita pujaannya, Jun memutuskan untuk keluar dari pekerjaannya sebagai teller bank dan mencari jalan lain agar mampu meninggalkan identitasnya sebagai manusia berkelas sosial biasa-biasa saja. Namun, usahanya untuk menjadi kaya raya dengan instan justru membuatnya terjebak di dalam permainan antara keluarga konglomerat, bos mafia Jepang, dan seorang pencuri legendaris yang sama-sama menginginkan satu hal: sebuah batu mulia biru muda yang diberi nama Céline.
Waktu aku mencari-cari bacaan novel misteri/thriller yang benar-benar asli Indonesia, buku ini muncul dalam daftar rekomendasi. Aku sudah pernah membaca karya penulis yang berjudul 'Sudut Mati' dan lumayan suka, maka jadilah aku memberi buku ini kesempatan. Hasilnya sama sekali tidak mengecewakan.
Sama dengan di buku yang sebelumnya kubaca, tulisan Mas Ade selalu simpel, ringan, dan cepat. Tidak ada detail-detail superpanjang yang membosankan dan sulit diingat, semuanya sekilas saja, tetapi mengena. Informasi tentang dunia perbankan yang disampaikan pun ditulis dengan sangat baik sehingga tidak membuat bosan. Ditambah dengan pemenggalan tiap bab yang pendek-pendek, buku ini cocok dijadikan hiburan setelah seharian mengendapkan diri di kantor, meski pokok bahasannya cukup serius.
Muslihat Berlian bukan tipe misteri pembunuhan berdarah-darah nan keji yang membuat pembaca ketar-ketir menanti bagaimana nasib si tokoh utama di bab selanjutnya. Meski begitu, tetap saja adrenalin ini terpacu ketika menebak-nebak apa yang akan dilakukan Jun ke depannya. Cowok yang kelihatannya geblek dan letoy itu ternyata selicin belut—makin keras digenggam, makin mudah buatnya untuk kabur. Sebagian dari diriku kepengin dia tertangkap lalu digebuki Kenichi, tetapi sebagian yang lain ingin dia bisa bebas dengan selamat sentosa dan hidup bahagia bersama dirinya sendiri. Jun bukan tipe-tipe hero yang bakal digandrungi banyak orang, tetapi tingkahnya cukup mengocok perut.
Pesan yang bisa diambil: jangan sekali-kali meremehkan orang yang kelihatannya lemah.
Sepertinya aku bakal mengoleksi buku-buku Mas Ade. :)
Demi bisa menggaet hati wanita pujaannya, Jun memutuskan untuk keluar dari pekerjaannya sebagai teller bank dan mencari jalan lain agar mampu meninggalkan identitasnya sebagai manusia berkelas sosial biasa-biasa saja. Namun, usahanya untuk menjadi kaya raya dengan instan justru membuatnya terjebak di dalam permainan antara keluarga konglomerat, bos mafia Jepang, dan seorang pencuri legendaris yang sama-sama menginginkan satu hal: sebuah batu mulia biru muda yang diberi nama Céline.
Waktu aku mencari-cari bacaan novel misteri/thriller yang benar-benar asli Indonesia, buku ini muncul dalam daftar rekomendasi. Aku sudah pernah membaca karya penulis yang berjudul 'Sudut Mati' dan lumayan suka, maka jadilah aku memberi buku ini kesempatan. Hasilnya sama sekali tidak mengecewakan.
Sama dengan di buku yang sebelumnya kubaca, tulisan Mas Ade selalu simpel, ringan, dan cepat. Tidak ada detail-detail superpanjang yang membosankan dan sulit diingat, semuanya sekilas saja, tetapi mengena. Informasi tentang dunia perbankan yang disampaikan pun ditulis dengan sangat baik sehingga tidak membuat bosan. Ditambah dengan pemenggalan tiap bab yang pendek-pendek, buku ini cocok dijadikan hiburan setelah seharian mengendapkan diri di kantor, meski pokok bahasannya cukup serius.
Muslihat Berlian bukan tipe misteri pembunuhan berdarah-darah nan keji yang membuat pembaca ketar-ketir menanti bagaimana nasib si tokoh utama di bab selanjutnya. Meski begitu, tetap saja adrenalin ini terpacu ketika menebak-nebak apa yang akan dilakukan Jun ke depannya. Cowok yang kelihatannya geblek dan letoy itu ternyata selicin belut—makin keras digenggam, makin mudah buatnya untuk kabur. Sebagian dari diriku kepengin dia tertangkap lalu digebuki Kenichi, tetapi sebagian yang lain ingin dia bisa bebas dengan selamat sentosa dan hidup bahagia bersama dirinya sendiri. Jun bukan tipe-tipe hero yang bakal digandrungi banyak orang, tetapi tingkahnya cukup mengocok perut.
Pesan yang bisa diambil: jangan sekali-kali meremehkan orang yang kelihatannya lemah.
Sepertinya aku bakal mengoleksi buku-buku Mas Ade. :)
Lusifer! Lusifer! by Venerdi Handoyo
Trigger warning: sexual harassment (mentioned).
Markus Yonatan adalah salah satu pemuda gereja yang taat kepada agama dan kepada Tuhannya, meski hati kecilnya sesekali meragu. Namun, di suatu hari, ketika Barisan Pendoa mencoba melakukan pelepasan pada Mawarsaron, gadis yang diduga dirasuki Lusifer, dia harus melakukan sesuatu yang mungkin bertentangan dengan apa yang dia yakini selama ini.
Tidak ada yang lebih menyenangkan selain mendapatkan buku sebagus ini dalam kondisi bekas terawat dengan harga super terjangkau. Mulanya kukira Lusifer! Lusifer! bercerita tentang kisah eksorsisme seorang gadis yang kerasukan iblis (dan itu salah satu alasan kenapa aku memilih untuk memasukkan buku ini ke daftar bacaan Spooktober). Namun rupanya, buku ini memuat pembahasan yang lebih horor lagi, yaitu fanatisme berlebihan terhadap agama.
Sesuatu yang terlalu berlebih tidak akan pernah berakhir baik. Begitu pula dengan agama. Penulis mampu menjelaskan fenomena yang, sayangnya, hingga saat ini masih sering terjadi di lingkungan sekitar kita dengan baik. Orang-orang dengan fanatisme agama yang berlebihan ini cenderung mengabaikan dan benci dengan hal-hal yang bersifat keduniawian. Mereka kolot dan cenderung memandang rendah orang yang tidak sepenuhnya mengabdi kepada agama dan Tuhan.
Kita dilahirkan sebagai makhluk dunia. Mengapa kita tidak boleh mengurusi persoalan duniawi?
Buku ini juga membahas tentang pentingnya peran orang tua dalam mengawasi tumbuh kembang anak-anaknya, terlebih yang sedang dalam fase remaja. Anak yang sedang dalam fase eksplorasi diri besar-besaran, dikombinasikan dengan orang tua super kolot yang tidak pengertian: bencana.
Markus Yonatan adalah salah satu pemuda gereja yang taat kepada agama dan kepada Tuhannya, meski hati kecilnya sesekali meragu. Namun, di suatu hari, ketika Barisan Pendoa mencoba melakukan pelepasan pada Mawarsaron, gadis yang diduga dirasuki Lusifer, dia harus melakukan sesuatu yang mungkin bertentangan dengan apa yang dia yakini selama ini.
Tidak ada yang lebih menyenangkan selain mendapatkan buku sebagus ini dalam kondisi bekas terawat dengan harga super terjangkau. Mulanya kukira Lusifer! Lusifer! bercerita tentang kisah eksorsisme seorang gadis yang kerasukan iblis (dan itu salah satu alasan kenapa aku memilih untuk memasukkan buku ini ke daftar bacaan Spooktober). Namun rupanya, buku ini memuat pembahasan yang lebih horor lagi, yaitu fanatisme berlebihan terhadap agama.
Sesuatu yang terlalu berlebih tidak akan pernah berakhir baik. Begitu pula dengan agama. Penulis mampu menjelaskan fenomena yang, sayangnya, hingga saat ini masih sering terjadi di lingkungan sekitar kita dengan baik. Orang-orang dengan fanatisme agama yang berlebihan ini cenderung mengabaikan dan benci dengan hal-hal yang bersifat keduniawian. Mereka kolot dan cenderung memandang rendah orang yang tidak sepenuhnya mengabdi kepada agama dan Tuhan.
Kita dilahirkan sebagai makhluk dunia. Mengapa kita tidak boleh mengurusi persoalan duniawi?
Buku ini juga membahas tentang pentingnya peran orang tua dalam mengawasi tumbuh kembang anak-anaknya, terlebih yang sedang dalam fase remaja. Anak yang sedang dalam fase eksplorasi diri besar-besaran, dikombinasikan dengan orang tua super kolot yang tidak pengertian: bencana.
Heist Society by Ally Carter
Actual rating: 3.5 stars
Ever since I read the Gallagher Girls Series, I've been a fan of Ally Carter. Her works were always marvelous—spy girls, president son's talented girl bestfriend/bodyguard, and now, a con girl—and totally hard to miss.
The premise of this book was captivating. Kat's dad is a con man, and someone powerful accused him of thievery. Apparently, those missing things are five paintings came from the time of World War II, making them extremely priceless. Kat has to give them back to their rightful owner (which is obviously not that someone powerful named Arturo Taccone), but at the same time, she can't let Taccone get his hands on her dad.
To be honest, Katarina Bishop resembled Cammie Morgan a bit. Smart, talented, intelligent, knows a lot of language, but Kat's way more cunning and a bit less reckless. Even though this may looked like Ally Carter had made yet another similar character, I had no problem with that. That was one aspect that made her works quite unique, by making the heroine powerful with a lot of badass sidekick. Seeing Kat planning the heist with her gang is marvelous.
But on the other hand, I feel like this book is a bit rushed. This is probably Ally Carter's signature, but there were a lot of foreshadowing of whatever happened to every character in the past which actually would be okay if it wasn't included, because it has no contribution to the whole story besides giving the characters some background. I wouldn't mind if they were inserted during the characters' introductions. But when they were suddenly exist in the middle of an action, it caused a lot of confusion. More than once I had to re-read a paragraph because I was not sure what I've read because of the sudden change of a subject.
Nevertheless, I still love this book. Will be continuing to book #2 because I want to see what has become of Kat and her gang.
P.S. I do think I need my very own W. W. Hale the Fifth in my life.
Ever since I read the Gallagher Girls Series, I've been a fan of Ally Carter. Her works were always marvelous—spy girls, president son's talented girl bestfriend/bodyguard, and now, a con girl—and totally hard to miss.
The premise of this book was captivating. Kat's dad is a con man, and someone powerful accused him of thievery. Apparently, those missing things are five paintings came from the time of World War II, making them extremely priceless. Kat has to give them back to their rightful owner (which is obviously not that someone powerful named Arturo Taccone), but at the same time, she can't let Taccone get his hands on her dad.
To be honest, Katarina Bishop resembled Cammie Morgan a bit. Smart, talented, intelligent, knows a lot of language, but Kat's way more cunning and a bit less reckless. Even though this may looked like Ally Carter had made yet another similar character, I had no problem with that. That was one aspect that made her works quite unique, by making the heroine powerful with a lot of badass sidekick. Seeing Kat planning the heist with her gang is marvelous.
But on the other hand, I feel like this book is a bit rushed. This is probably Ally Carter's signature, but there were a lot of foreshadowing of whatever happened to every character in the past which actually would be okay if it wasn't included, because it has no contribution to the whole story besides giving the characters some background. I wouldn't mind if they were inserted during the characters' introductions. But when they were suddenly exist in the middle of an action, it caused a lot of confusion. More than once I had to re-read a paragraph because I was not sure what I've read because of the sudden change of a subject.
Nevertheless, I still love this book. Will be continuing to book #2 because I want to see what has become of Kat and her gang.
P.S. I do think I need my very own W. W. Hale the Fifth in my life.
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
"But that is how a tragedy like ours or King Lear breaks your heart—by making you believe that the ending might still be happy, until the very last minute."
And fuck me for believing.
This book reminds me so much of 'The Last of The Real Ones' by Fall Out Boy (go listen to it if you haven't, I swear they're wonderful and fit the condition of our tragic lovers). A love full of commitment, of loyalty, of altruism, that it didn't need to use the word 'love' to be shown. It made my heart full yet empty and miserable at the same time.
None of them deserve any of these shits I swear T-T
And fuck me for believing.
This book reminds me so much of 'The Last of The Real Ones' by Fall Out Boy (go listen to it if you haven't, I swear they're wonderful and fit the condition of our tragic lovers). A love full of commitment, of loyalty, of altruism, that it didn't need to use the word 'love' to be shown. It made my heart full yet empty and miserable at the same time.
None of them deserve any of these shits I swear T-T