This, in all honesty, was a great book. I enjoyed the little flaws in the main character - Mariana, and the ending was, although a little predictable, very well thought out and written. The characters are not as two-dimensional as they are in other books and I really like Fred. He was just this cute ball of fluff, his innocence still with him and I hope his and Mariana's friendship blooms sweetly. The epilogue, rather long and fast paced, was satisfying, I felt like I was looking through the years passed by even though I'm on the young side.
Overall, this was a great book and I see why Booktok likes this. The Maidens radiates dark academia aura too.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Ok so, most of the book was paced, poorly written, and boring. The main character - Cadence Sinclair and her family - The Sinclair's, are such a basic white family and me, being of color - Indian specifically, did not enjoy the grandfather's personality. In fact I completely hated him. "Don't take no for an answer." One if his mottos that he taught his grandchildren, consent is important and he advises children to not care about it. Wow. Another bit I absolutely hated was the sisters, so toxic. The entire family is toxic.
Ok but listen, the last seven chapters were actually good. I liked it. The plot twist was good, I guess but it took me 81 chapters to get there and not everyone is as patient as I am so, I really don't recommend this.
I was excepting something really dramatic at the end, I was promised a really big plot twost but I predicted the plot twist so it wasn't as fun. I really liked Maven and Mare was meh. My opnions changesd slightly at he end but Shade lives! I loved him since the letter! u have no idea how happy i was
I don't like the concept of the faerie world. The main character - Jude, she had a very unlikable personality in my opinion. Cardan; the prince was really rude too. I can't possibly imagine them falling in love, its stupid. This book doesn't do justice to the enemies to lovers trope. I apologize to the people who liked it, it's not for me.