odunayo_y's reviews
216 reviews

The Blighted Stars by Megan E. O'Keefe

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The juvenile romance despite the characters being 35+ really soured this book. At least it was trans man/cis woman romance, I would’ve legit b*med an orphanage if I was forced to sit through a cishet romantic relationship. Bleh

Speaking on the trans representation it was done well very subtly. But I feel the subtlety was also a detriment to the point a lot of (mainly cis) reviewers/readers didn’t catch it and are erasing Tarquin’s trans identity, which sucks because his bisexuality gets about the same focus but most reviewers/reviewers have no problem catching he’s bi but completely gloss over him being trans??? Lmao if I speak. I get as a cis author O’Keefe didn’t want to get down in the weeds with trans issues as that’s not really her place. And she wasn’t a coward and actually included   the trans aspect of body-hopping tech that so much science fiction shies away from. But I feel there could’ve been a better balance between so subtle it’s missed by people who aren’t looking and full on trans centric storyline

The cool scifi and body horror was excellently done. 

Another issue is Tarquin was just so passive? Naive? He’s 35 yet acts like a 25 year old. It would’ve been more interesting if he was more duplicitous/sinister have him be a full on MERIT sociopath then slowly deprogram  

All in all not bad but certain character writing and relationships dragged this book down. It’s just not hitting the way her previous space opera trilogy hit. 
Hopefully the sequels will be better. 

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Crankshaft by K.M. Neuhold

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I love verse couples really I do but when i book is advertised as a skinnier/scrawny top and a beefy big bottom, I am not in the mood to read another twink bottoms for jock scene. Really the last sex scene should've been cut really tanked my enjoyment.

I’m not expecting NK Jemisin level prose in a contemporary romance but er some of the dialogue was a bit too on the overly raunchy try hard millennia type humour 

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Stripped by K.M. Neuhold

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Do a Powerbomb by Daniel Warren Johnson

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I’m crying in the club yo that ending 

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Damn Them All Vol 2 by Simon Spurrier

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 55%.
DNFd about 50-60% of the way through. Too annoyingly try hard nihilist for me. It was just so disappointing to me. Wow another everyone sucks and is terrible God hates us all, heaven/angels are the bad guys actually…are we not tired of this crap?
The Wolf Among the Wild Hunt by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor

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Soulsborn but make it queer/aroace I love it! The gnarly descriptions of the Wild Hunt were peak. 
Excellent Asexual Aromantic rep. Dark gritty fantasy that center platonic relationships are my jam.

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The Authority Book Two by Mark Millar

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Fuck mark millar what a talentless edgy hack. He didn’t get the memo that rampant racism rape & pedophilla + beastaility wasnt a substitute for actual good writing, like his bearly disguised abused asian rape doll fetish was skin crawling. Plus the pro authoritarianism bent but it’s okay because the Authority is always right! Not even the very few pleasant character moments could save this. What a waste Millar has the reverse midas touch, where everything he that has the misfortune of being written by him turns to nuclear waste

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The Authority Book One by Warren Ellis

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