ominousspectre's reviews
243 reviews

Lute by Jennifer Marie Thorne

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Cheat on your husband girl! Lock him in the bedroom! Feminism!!!

All jokes aside I enjoyed reading this even though I don't necessarily think it was...good? It's like watching one of those goofy Lifetime movies. Is this quality? No. Am I having fun? Weirdly yes. She should've ramped up the horror though, too chaste imo.

The World War 3 addition felt out of place. It's not what's keeping people on the island, so why?

The random love triangle felt very out of left field too. Like girl I also hate your husband but control yourself for five seconds!!
Even weirder when the thing that ruined her life previously was having an affair with a married man? I need you to learn some restraint bestie. And every man that validates you is not immediate relationship material.
The Third Bear by Jeff VanderMeer

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I skimmed some of the ones I wasn't vibing with so instead of a full ranking, here's the ones I really liked:

The Third Bear
Felt very folktale, even with the
easter egg.
Finding Sonoria
I love places that don't exist.
This had Poe undertones.
Fixing Hanover
Def my second favorite. The maker meets its made.
Shark God vs Octopus God
Another myth type one. A little goofy at times honestly but I didn't mind.
Three Days in a Border Town
Easily my favorite. A moving city you can only catch in glimpses? You've sold me sir.
Surgeon's Tale
I mostly liked this because it felt like an alternate backstory to Locked Tomb series Jod if he somehow sucked in a different way. 

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Pain Killer by HamletMachine

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*dubiously* mind the tags

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Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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D: they matched each other's freak

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Deephaven by Ethan M. Aldridge

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I've been a fan of this illustrator for a while and I'm so glad I finally picked this up. I would've been sooo annoying about this a kid
A Sign of Affection, Omnibus 2 (Vol. 4-6) by suu Morishita

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So I'm on a quest to heal my relationship with straight romance because it used to cause me a horrendous amount of dysphoria, but now I understand I just wanted to be the boy the whole time lol.

This one is cute and gentle. I think the only reason I'm not rating it higher is because the love triangle started to get on my nerves. Every time there's a love triangle I'm like okay why don't you all just kiss about it? Or if I had a crush on a friend and they started dating someone I'd be like oh, good for you! And not be possessive and weird. But maybe I am just built different 
The Croning by Laird Barron, Rubén Martín Giráldez

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The premise of a darker retelling of Rumpelstiltskin drew me to this book. The first chapter is really well done, and I can tell this author likely excels in his short stories (where he's clearly acclaimed).

After that, I could tell right away this is Dad Book Horror. There was an almost confusing nostalgia reading this as it felt like stealing Stephen King or Dean Koontz off my dad's shelf at a Way Too Young Age™. However, I'm an adult now.

The way women are talked about? Breasting Boobily.

People of color? Not great! Indigenous people specifically? Now we're bordering on HP Lovecraft levels of 'primitives worshipping an evil old god'.

All THAT aside (if you can possibly do so for a moment), the story is incredibly meandering? Building tension doesn't mean spending an entire chapter regaling us with the mc's children's lives. You can build tension in a way that's purposeful. The scares are good, I'll give him that, but come on now. This was published in 2012.

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The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

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these were my fave books as a kid and since I wasn't raised religious, all of those themes went lalalala right over my head so!!
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

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I have a lot of nostalgia about this book