palmpages's reviews
490 reviews

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

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Where did she go with all those books and paper? Why did she march so far away? They will not know I have gone away to come back. For the ones I left behind. For the ones who cannot out.

Beautiful vignettes that are reminiscent of our wanting to make it while trying hard not to forget who we are, and where we came from.
The Heavens May Fall by Allen Eskens

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Fiat justitia, ruat Cælum: Let justice be done, though the heavens may fall

Allen Eskens, The Heavens May Fall is part police procedural and part legal drama; a book that wants for nothing.

I rooted for both Max and Boady as they are extremely likeable characters.

When I thought I had it figured out, something else came up out of left field that threw me off the trail. The ending was unexpected and definitely took me by surprise.

I look forward to reading more books by the talented, Allen Eskens.
Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

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O, yeah!!!

Enjoyed the banter and the wittiness.