paperbackparker's reviews
446 reviews

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

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this book was so beautiful. it honestly took me on a journey, and i am grateful for all that i read. many of her pieces left me breathless. i have felt so much of what she has, and she just expressed it all perfectly.
the only reason this isn't a full 5 stars is bc i found some of the work to be a bit pretentious. plus, i couldn't help but think that some of the pages were such a waste of paper!! like, i just wish there were more longer poems.
but other than those two things, i loved it and i will definitely look back on it again. thanks for this beautiful thing, rupi. 💖
Bloom: navigating life and style by Estée Lalonde

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absolutely loved this!! estée is such an intelligent and wise woman. highly enjoyed reading what she had to say! as well, i loved the way she told stories about her life. you could really hear and feel her personality shine through her writing, which i totally adored. would definitely recommend this to people!!