such a fun and wonderful book my lord do I love Hitch - my favourite man of all time I really wish he was real. I totally understand why 9 year old me ate these up because they are so well written and fun to read with loveable characters and a plot that twists all over the place (I mean if you're 9 I guess the plot halfway through and was proud until I remember it is not aimed at people my age). I will now read the rest of the series.
I hated the first half of the book having rape as the overhanging threat - it doesn't feel great. however it gets to much better and the final chapter is perfectly gorgeous and wraps it all up in such an interesting and bittersweet perspective and I loved that that was the ending!
this was super fun and easy to read, and I kept coming back to it wanting to know what happens next. I often find books were the main characters are not likeable to me quite difficult to read, especially if they are malicious, but, even though I found Lana/Judith infuriating at some points, I kept coming back because they still had so much love.
pretty cool and easy read, with a lovely fast moving plot and some loveable characters. it would have been nice to see some female characters with more agency and power because we only really got one - Shizuka my absolute love also the romance of the protagonists was a little boring as the love at first sight remained as that... it did not really progress (I am an aro cynic leave me be)
it was super interesting! I am not a fan of non fiction but the friendly style of the transcripts made it very easy to read, so I enjoyed it! it did take a long time to read (because I don't read a lot of non fiction have k mentioned that?) so I probably won't read it again, but I'm going to keep it for reference to slip into conversations like I'm fancy because - like I said - super interesting!!
I absolutely love the previous series and this book was just a wonderful follow on! a bit of a brainless read (it is a children book) but that is exactly what I needed
I really enjoyed seeing the story from a different perspective, but I think if I read it without watching critical role first I may feel differently, but still in a good way! I loved seeing how Molly was in Lucien's head it was so perfectly and wonderfully done! I think I would've liked more about Kingsley at the end though, just a little.