Biggest waste of time, I finished cause everyone said the ending was worth it— I WANTED A BADASS WITCH GODDESS, THE ENDING WAS QUITE LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF THAT. WHAT A WASTE OF A CHARACTER. What a horrific story set up too, it felt like reading a collection of myths from a textbook why??? With how often Circe was just sat there hearing some rando tell a story after they show up at her island, it was so boring!
Also I’m frankly baffled by anyone calling this a feminist story considering Circe hates nearly every woman she meets, every meaningful relationship she has is with a man, and the brief time she spends getting revenge against evil men is cut of for the sake of loving on some guy she met and (eventually) motherhood. Feminism is when witches and many partners and nonconsensual baby making? I guess? Really begging someone who believes this book was feminist to explain WHY, cause these reviews keep saying it but not explaining it,,, show y’all’s work 🙄
1 star for being a book, 1 star for pretty prose. 2 very very begrudging stars.
This was a super cute and fast read! The misunderstandings were just the right level of funny awkward rather than cringe worthy, and that’s such a fine line to cross! I loved that even when they actively tried to clear ip the misunderstandings, they were still not on the same page 😂
Kumada as a love rival was cute, particularly because he had no chance and other than showing his crush, the narrative didn’t really pretend like he was in the running. It was hilarious that if he had just left Shirase out of his confession then Hashimoto would have figured it out sooner. And when Hashimoto started rejecting him all over again once he realized it was a love confession? POOR KUMADA HAHA!
I adore Shirase!! I love his growth from unknowingly evil boss to just a quiet guy in love with an idiot 🥺 I felt bad that his dates and confessions weren’t landing, but it was so cute of him to keep trying “little by little”!!! Even when they were doing a relationship test run, he went at Hashimoto’s pace 🥺 what a guy!!!
Hashimoto, my beloved idiot, please learn about Ockham’s razor, sometimes the pretty guy really is just confessing to you 😅 I liked the couple snippets we got to see of his thought process though, that man’s mind is like a steal trap haha.
The art was ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS TOO OMG SO BEAUTIFUL! And there was so much story in one volume?! Usually volume ones are so sparse on plot but this was perfect!