queenofnothing17's reviews
260 reviews

Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas

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Kill me now.... the ending is scarring and ill never be able to recover. Bring me back on October 23 2018
You'd Be Paranoid Too if Everyone Was Out to Get You: A Collection of Personal Stories and Insights by Awsten Knight

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This book is wholly Awsten as I know him to be in every aspect. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed learning more about him. I hope he can become a white dad and live out his dreams.
Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

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*insert both internal and external screaming here*
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

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This book was absolutely INCREDIBLE! The finest Sarah has released by far. The writing was phenominal. The story was flawless. I could not have hoped for a better ending to my all time favorite book series. I was crying and laughing and feeling everything the characters felt. My words dont do this book justice but I will always be greatful to Sarah for ripping my heart out but then giving it back.